An advanced Music Bot, with 30+ Radio Stations, with capability of filters, like Bassboost, Nightcore, etc. and reaction interactivity. Based on ytdl-core with discord.js Guide Handler. With ideas from eritislami
You can always invite the Bot to your Server if you wish, its public and you can use it!
-- Set Audio - Effectsloop
-- Toggle music looplyrics
-- Get lyrics for the currently playing songnowplaying
-- Show current songpause
-- Pause the currently playing musicplay <TITEL | URL>
-- Plays song from YouTube/Streamqueue
-- Show the music queue and now playingradio <RADIOSTATION>
-- Play a Radiostationremove
-- Remove song from the queueresume
-- Resume currently playing musicsearch <TITEL | URL>
-- Search and select videos to playshuffle
-- Shuffles the current Queue!skip
-- Skip the currently playing songskipto <QUEUE NUM.>
-- Skip to the selected queue numberstop
-- Stops the musicvolume <VOL. NUM.>
-- Change volumehelp [COMMAND]
-- Gives you a list of all help Commands
NO API-KEY NEEDED! That's because it uses a scraper (youtube-sr
1. Install node.js v12 or higher
2. Install ffmpeg@latest
3. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it
4. Install all of the packages with npm install
| the packages are npm install node.js @discordjs/opus discord.js ffmpeg-static figlet lyrics-finder string-progressbar ytdl-core discord-ytdl-core youtube-sr
5. start the bot with node index.js
This Bot uses standard emojis, so just downloading it and filling in the TOKEN will make the Bot work!
"TOKEN": "",
"PREFIX": "+",
It is important that you fill in every item of the JSON FILE! every emoji used in this BOT is a custom emoji, the emojis are listed down below as images, which you can download and upload to your server to use them. NOTE: you gotta change to if you use discord / unicode emojis! Soon a new Repo with standard emojis will be awailable for easy usages!
Make sure that you have installed FFmpeg, and added it to Systemenvironment variables (PATH)
If you are having errors/problems with starting delete the package.json file and do, before you install the packages npm init
You can always Support me by inviting one of my own Discord Bots
| fork my repository | watch this repo | create issue |
Both bots are still in Development, and will always be in development, this means always uptodate and always online and always improving!
@eritislami For the Reacting system to messages, great Idea i adopted that @iCrawl/evobot