Meshes rendered through rasterization, shadows use raytracing towards the lights.
- Physically-based rendering and its various approaches and approximations
- Roughness-metalness material parametrization
- Analytic physics-based lights
- Additional image-based HDR lighting
- Simple raytracing for (smooth) shadows
- Reinhard tone mapping
I've implemented the following approaches to approximating the parts of the rendering equation:
Diffuse model
- Lambert
- Burley (Disney)
- Hammon 2017
NDF (Normal distribution function)
- Blinn-Phong (not considered physically-based, but interesting for comparison)
Fresnel term
- Schlick
- Schlick with the Unreal Engine 4 optimization (see Eq.(5))
Specular geometric attenuation
- Smith
- Height-correlated Smith
- Schlick with the Unreal Engine 4 optimization (see Eq.(4))
- Kelemen
- Implicit
This experiments builds on three.js which comes with everything and the kitchen sink, notably PBR shaders and the preprocessing tools for image-based rendering. In the interest of actually learning things, I'm completely ignoring those helpers here. Instead I've built my own tools:
- modules/CubeMapConverter.js: Converts an environment map in latitude-longitude format to a cube map.
- modules/DiffuseIrradianceGenerator.js: Creates the diffuse irradiance map. Multiple passes used with a ping-pong scheme and stratified sampling with random offset. This seems to get better results than Hammersley samples.
- modules/PMREM.js: My own pre-filtered environment map generator, not finished.
Shadows are done with a single (or 8 against the vertices of a small cube around the lights when smooth shadows enabled) shadow ray(s) per light, intersection against the perfect sphere equations.
- Very much unoptimized shader code. The goal here was to collect proofs-of-concept.
- No specular environment reflection yet. We really want explicit roughness-based mipmap level selection for this which WebGL didn't have at the time. Might come back to this as time allows.