Helm charts for JWS images on Openshift.
create a yaml file for your values, like value.yaml:
replicas: 4
applicationName: test
test: my_test
Install the JWS helm charts and start your jws pods:
./helm repo add jwscharts https://jfclere.github.io/jws-helm-charts
./helm repo update
./helm install jwscharts/jws-example --generate-name -f ./value.yaml
NAME: jws-example-1608051834
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Dec 15 18:03:56 2020
NAMESPACE: rhn-engineering-jclere-code
STATUS: deployed
./helm uninstall jws-example-1608051834
If you are developing the chart you might start it directly from the repo:
./helm install jws-example --generate-name
To build a new version do the following:
$ helm package jws-example
$ mv jws-example-0.1.0.tgz docs
$ helm repo index docs --url https://jfclere.github.com/jws-helm-charts
$ git add docs
$ git commit
$ git push origin main