C# bindings for the OUYA Development Kit 0.0.6
To get your Mono for Android game showing up in the OUYA Launcher, you will need to:
set the project to use API Level 16
add the Launcher image (732x412 pixels) in Resources/Drawable-xhdpi/ouya_icon.png
add the following IntentFilter attribute to your Activity class
[IntentFilter(new[] { Intent.ActionMain } , Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryLauncher, "tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME" })]
Deploy the game to the device. Now it will show up in the OUYA Launcher.
Disclaimer: This project is a community-supported extension to the OUYA Development Kit and is in no way connected to OUYA, Inc. The OUYA name is owned by OUYA, Inc.