A simple Python application that uses the Bottle framework to serve a JSON encoded client IP address of a user who makes a GET request to /.
Used as an example application for a tutorial on Wercker I am writing.
usage: get_ip.py [-h] hostname port
HTTP API for returning a visitor's IP address.
positional arguments:
hostname The host IP to listen on.
port The port to listen on.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Requires Python 2
& virtualenv
to run.
had to enable gcr and then run
gcloud docker push gcr.io/wrecker-demo2/get_ip:bdd20912f3a55422f4653c6f89cb143b0d59c410
before the kubernetes-deploy step (?) or part of pipeline would work, was
previously getting errors about not being able to pull the image when looking
at kubectl get pods
and kubectl describe pods