Data-Structures Public
To upload code developed when I was studing DS
osint-brazuca-regex Public
Forked from osintbrazuca/osint-brazuca-regexRepositório criado com intuito de reunir expressões regulares dentro do contexto Brasil
MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2022 -
Para upar os arquivos gerados durante o estudo de Clean Code, S.O.L.I.D. e Design Patterns
Java UpdatedNov 7, 2022 -
html-css-javascript Public
To upload my progress studying HTML e CSS
JavaScript UpdatedAug 28, 2022 -
JUnitLearning Public
To commit my process of learning Unit Tests using JUnit
Java UpdatedAug 22, 2022 -
Java Public
To upload my codes, solved exercises and advances while learning and studying Java.
Java UpdatedAug 12, 2022 -
Python Public
To upload my codes, solved exercises and advances while learning and studying Python.
Pw-Gen_v.2 Public
This was my first Python Project with GUI.
Python-Fundamentos-Para-An-lise-de-Dados-3.0 Public
Forked from mlhoffmann/PythonFundamentosRepositório do Curso Online Python Fundamentos Para Análise de Dados.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 12, 2022 -
zxcvbn Public
Forked from dwolfhub/zxcvbnA realistic password strength estimator.
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2017