Tags: jgriff/k8s-resource
Symlink bitnami kubectl location to standard path (#36) The bitnami base image adds their location of kubectl to the PATH. PATH=/opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin However this PATH location can be lost during a docker export/import of the image, making bundling this resource difficult. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin To resolve this, we now create a symbolic link in the standard PATH location: /usr/local/bin/kubectl -> /opt/bitnami/kubectl/bin/kubectl The link is preserved during export/import, so our resource scripts can still locate kubectl even though the bitnami location is no longer on the PATH. See https://concourse-ci.org/concourse-worker.html#installing-or-upgrading-bundled-resource-types Closes #35
Add kubectl 1.25 and update baselines to latest patches (#34) Added the `1.25` baseline to list ot `kubectl` versions we ship with, currently targeting the latest patch `1.25.2`. The `latest` image now also ships with `1.25`. Also updated the current baselines to their latest patch releases: * `1.22.12` --> `1.22.15` * `1.23.9` --> `1.23.12` * `1.24.3` --> `1.24.6`
Add kubectl 1.25 and update baselines to latest patches (#34) Added the `1.25` baseline to list ot `kubectl` versions we ship with, currently targeting the latest patch `1.25.2`. The `latest` image now also ships with `1.25`. Also updated the current baselines to their latest patch releases: * `1.22.12` --> `1.22.15` * `1.23.9` --> `1.23.12` * `1.24.3` --> `1.24.6`
Add kubectl 1.24 and update all baselines to latest patches Added the `1.24` baseline to list of `kubectl` versions we ship with, currently targeting the latest patch `1.24.1`. The `latest` image now also ships with `1.24`. Also updated the current baselines to their latest patch releases: * `1.21.11` --> `1.21.14` * `1.22.8` --> `1.22.11` * `1.23.5` --> `1.23.8`
Build multi-arch images (#4) (#30) Added `buildx` to all Makefile and CI builds (latest and release) so we always build multi-arch images. You can build and push `latest` for `linux/amd64` and `linux/arm64/v8` with: ``` make release_latest ``` Otherwise, tagging of the repo continues to trigger CI builds of the tagged version and will now publish the image for both `linux/amd64` and `linux/arm64/v8` architectures.
Wait for cluster conditions on PUT (#28) New Feature! Added support for waiting for cluster conditions after a `put` step. You can now (optionally) configure a `put` to wait for the cluster to satisfy specific conditions before the step will succeed. To enable this, simply specify an `await.timeout` param to your `put` step: ```yaml params: await: timeout: 30 ``` The `timeout` is measured in seconds, and must be greater than `0` to enable waiting. The conditions to wait for are specified in `await.conditions` as a list: ```yaml params: await: timeout: 30 conditions: - select(.kind == "Pod") | .status.containerStatuses[] | .ready ``` You can include any number of conditions. In order for the wait to succeed each expression must evaluate to at least _one_ `true` result, and no `false` results. Any other non `true|false` result is ignored. If no `conditions` are specified, sensible defaults are used for the resource types being retrieved. If the `timeout` is exceeded before all conditions are met, the `put` will fail. See the updated `README` for further details. Closes #19
Add insecure_skip_tls_verify flag (#20) Added a new optional source config option `insecure_skip_tls_verify` that enables passing the `--insecure-skip-tls-verify` option to `kubectl` instead of `--certificate-authority=<ca_file>`. When `true`, the `certificate_authority` source config is ignored and can be omitted in the source config. Default is `false`. Co-authored-by: Justin Griffin <[email protected]>
Fail "check" if kubectl fails (#17) Previously, if `kubectl` returned in error, the subshell (and pipe) would wind up swallowing that error and returning `0` for the resource check. Now, any `kubectl` error is bubbled up and will cause the "check" operation to fail. Concourse web will then render this error in the UI as well. Closes #12