A clipboard manager for macOS accessible from the menubar
go-exif supports reading EXIF metadata from image files
jhalickman / dwolla-sdk-ios
Forked from armsteadj1/dwolla-sdk-iosDwolla iOS SDK
Painless high-performance audio on iOS and Mac OS X
NSNotificationCenter and KVO auto removal of observers.
iOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB
Photoshop layer styles for iOS icons. Stop maintaining a separate file for each color, resolution, and style.
A simple library that allows users and testers to email bugs from within an iOS application
A rewrite of Apple's Autoingest.java in Objective-C
Interactive map presentation tool for iPad which exports to video
A libspotify-based Spotify client for Mac OS X Lion.
jhalickman / oauthconsumer
Forked from jdg/oauthconsumerAn iPhone ready, Objective-C implementation of an OAuth consumer.
jhalickman / AFNetworking
Forked from AFNetworking/AFNetworkingA delightful iOS networking library with NSOperations and block-based callbacks
ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
SLExpandableTableView is a UITableView subclass that gives you easy access to expandable and collapsable sections by just implementing a few more delegate and dataSource protocols. (iPhone, iPad, iOS)
Google Music Keys is a simple utility application for controlling the google music player with keyboard shortcuts.
Desktop helper for Mac
jhalickman / dotvim
Forked from DeMarko/dotvimcollection of personal vim files
jhalickman / ioctocat
Forked from dennisreimann/ioctocatA GitHub app for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
Plugins for fixing Xcode 4 bugs and shortcomings
A UIColor Category that takes in the color strings output from Digital Color Meter
jhalickman / kod
Forked from rsms/kodProgrammers' editor for OS X
Open source release of Canabalt for iOS
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.