baargin Public
Bacterial Assembly and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes In NextFlow
bacterial_genomics_training Public
Collection of bioinfo tutorials for training in Bacterial genomics and AMR
amrplusplus_v2 Public
Forked from meglab-metagenomics/amrplusplus_v2MEGARes and AmrPlusPlus - A comprehensive database of antimicrobial resistance genes and user-friendly pipeline for analysis of high-throughput sequencing data
Groovy MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2021 -
nf-metavir Public
Nexflow pipeline for viral metagenomics analyses
viral_mat_peptides Public
Scripts for retrieving mature peptides from GenBank entries
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 29, 2020 -
word-count Public
Forked from peranti/word-countExample project we use in the reproducibility lesson.
Python Other UpdatedDec 5, 2018 -
cr_travis_exo Public
Code refinery WS Travis and Coveralls exercise
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2018 -
tutorials-1 Public
Forked from HadrienG/tutorials📔 Various bioinformatics tutorials