A Ruby on Rails blogging app for the fashionable developer.
Preferences are for the masses. Any real coder knows the easiest and best way to customize something is by hacking code. Because you want your blog to be you, not bog standard install #4958 with 20 posts per page instead of 15. For this you need a clean, simple, easy to understand code base that stays out of your way. No liquid drops and templates hindering your path, no ugly PHP stylings burning your eyeballs.
make sure you are using ruby 1.8.7,you can controle ruby’s version by rvm
git clone git://github.com/jhjguxin/enki.git
cd enki
git checkout -b myblog # Create a new work branch
bundle install # Install all the required gems
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
# Edit config/enki.yml and config/database.yml to taste
# Next step needs libxml2 and libxslt1 and their headers
# On Debian-based systems: apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
# On Mac OS X: no action required
rake db:migrate
#may be here will display some 'WARNING' message,but it no effect with rails's wrok,like
***WARNING:*** 'require 'rake/rdoctask'' is deprecated. Please use 'require 'rdoc/task' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)' instead.
rake # Run tests
rails server # Start the server
# Load http://localhost:3000/admin in your browser
Or for bonus points, fork enki at github and clone that instead.
Enki is a compact, easily extendable base for your blog. It does this by being highly opinionated, for example:
- Public facing views should adhere to standards (XHTML, Atom)
- /yyyy/mm/dd/post-title is a good URL for your posts
- Live comment preview should be provided by default
- Google does search better than you or I
- You don’t need a plugin system when you’ve got decent source control
- #If you’re not using OpenID you’re a chump
- Because I’m a chump,so I decide to use devise
- Hacking code is the easiest way to customize something
Mephisto is feature packed and quite customizable. It can however be daunting trying to find your way around the code, which isn’t so good if you’re trying to hack in your own features. Enki strips out a lot of the features that you probably don’t need (multiple authors and liquid templates, for example), and focuses on keeping a tight code base that is easy to comprehend and extend.
Enki embodies much of the philosophy of SimpleLog, but does so in a style that is much more consistent with Rails best practices, making it easier to understand and hack the code.
Uses rails 3. Runs on MySQL or Postgres. Works on heroku.
git log | grep Author | sort | uniq
If you want to help out, try tackling an open issue. Please include specs for any fixes. Enki is by design feature light. Unless you feel very strongly your feature should be in core, add a link to your fork in the wiki instead.
Admin design heavily inspired by Habari
Showing the devise edit password screen?
In my rails 3 app using devise, I want to provide a link for users to edit their password.
I have a standard link that points to: /users/password/edit … Log output below(#all action in PasswordsController )
Started GET "/users/password/edit" for at 2011-08-10 10:11:46 -0700
Processing by Devise::PasswordsController#edit as HTML
User Load (0.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 3 LIMIT 1
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/
Completed 302 Found in 309ms
Why is rails redirecting? Why can’t I show the edit password page? Thanks
is for non-authenticated users who wish to change their password using a reset token. This reset token was previously sent to the user in an email (Reset password instructions). If the user is already logged in, this edit password page will always redirect to the after-sign-in path since it shouldn’t be accessible to authenticated users.
I suppose what you want is to allow the user to change his password after logging in. You have to use Devise::RegistrationsController#edit
for that.
#sometimes you will catch You have already activated rack 1.3.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.2.3.
这是因为迩安装了多个rack版本、环境造成混乱、请卸载掉不需要的版本或者修改了Gemfile再执行一次bundle install
in lesstile not match with coderay 1.0.1
install lesstile with plugin
rails plugin install git://github.com/xaviershay/lesstile.git
change lesstile.rb in ‘vendor/plugins/lesstile/lib’ as bellow:
#CodeRay.scan(CGI::unescapeHTML(code), lang).html(:line_numbers => :table).div
CodeRay.scan(CGI::unescapeHTML(code), lang).div(:line_numbers => :table)
#install Dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion
sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~$ sudo gpasswd -a root rvm
Adding user root to group rvm
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~$ sudo gpasswd -a jhjguxin rvm
Adding user jhjguxin to group rvm
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~$ sudo gpasswd -a www-data rvm
Adding user www-data to group rvm
vim ~/.bashrc
[[ -s “/usr/share/ruby-rvm/scripts/rvm” ]] && source /usr/share/ruby-rvm/scripts/rvm # This loads RVM into a shell session.没有引号
restart the shell opened
If installation and configuration were successful, RVM should now load whenever you open a new shell. This can be tested by executing the following command which should output ‘rvm is a function’ as shown below.
user$ type rvm | head -1
rvm is a function
RVM安装完成后,就可以通过TA来安装管理 Ruby 了。用下面一条命令来安装Ruby 1.9.2
$ rvm install 1.9.2
*Ruby包的下载实在太慢了,这里总是中断。有个小技巧,你可以用工具下载好ruby-1.9.2-p0.tar.bz2,然后手工放到~/.rvm/archives 目录下。然后再运行这条命令,就可以直接解压安装了。
rvm —help
rvm [Flags] [Options] Action [Implementation[,Implementation[,…]]
rvm list known
rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290
rvm use ruby1.9.2-p290
rvm list
which ruby
ruby -v
rvm info
rvm ruby-1.9.2-p290@rails31
When trying to install ruby 1.9.2 using rvm I got a nasty suprise:
ossl_ssl.c:110:1: error: ‘SSLv2_method’ undeclared here (not in a function)
ossl_ssl.c:111:1: error: ‘SSLv2_server_method’ undeclared here (not in a function)
ossl_ssl.c:112:1: error: ‘SSLv2_client_method’ undeclared here (not in a function)
make[1]: *** [ossl_ssl.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/cache/ruby-rvm/src/ruby-1.9.2-p180/ext/openssl'
make: *** [mkmain.sh] Error 1
The solution
sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm
# make sure we have $rvm_path
source /etc/profile
# don't use ubuntus openssl
rvm package install openssl
rvm install 1.9.2 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr
Add to Gemfile:
gem 'sunspot_rails'
gem 'sunspot_solr' # optional pre-packaged Solr distribution for use in development
Bundle it!
bundle install
Generate a default configuration file:
rails generate sunspot_rails:install
If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start # or sunspot:solr:run to start in foreground
Now that Sunspot knows how to index the Post model, we need to get the existing data into Solr. Any time a Post is created, updated, or destroyed, Sunspot::Rails will automatically make the change to the index; you only need to do a full reindex if you’ve added or changed a searchable definition for a model.
$ rake sunspot:reindex
If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-Aspire-4750:~$ heroku run:detached rake sunspot:solr:start RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:start --app francisjiang#using on heroku
or type:sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 or sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 -d data/solr/myapp
Try to start the solr
rake sunspot:solr:start
rake sunspot:solr:stop
rake sunspot:reindex
rake sunspot:solr:run
Error: Severe errors in solr configuration." in log
please navigation to "localhost:8082/solr" check more info:
there recomment method is
ps -ef|grep solr
kill all solr's process
rm solr folder in enki root dir.reinstall the solr by type:
#Generate a default configuration file:
rails generate sunspot_rails:install
If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:
<code>bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start # or sunspot:solr:run to start in foreground</code>
Now that Sunspot knows how to index the Post model, we need to get the existing data into Solr. Any time a Post is created, updated, or destroyed, Sunspot::Rails will automatically make the change to the index; you only need to do a full reindex if you’ve added or changed a searchable definition for a model.
<code>$ rake sunspot:reindex
1. add reploy to reploy
2. finish the permission control
3. 使用验证码
4. Mention @somebody. They’re notified eg. When you @mention a GitHub username anywhere in the context of an issue or pull request, that person is notified and subscribed to future updates.
5. @自动匹配用户名功能