Tags: jhmartin/confd
Merge pull request kelseyhightower#77 from raizyr/master os.Rename cross-filesystem issue alternative solution
Always trim prefix from keys It is common for prefixed keys to be stored in etcd with a leading "/". When retrieving keys from etcd, the leading "/" is preserved, this is not the case for consul, which means the prefix doesn't always get stripped off. Ensure the prefix is always removed by trimming the leading "/" from all keys and the user defined prefix before trimming the prefix from the key.
Merge pull request kelseyhightower#61 from rafecolton/fix-for-handlin… …g-multiple-etcd-nodes-in-config Loading config bytes manually instead of with `toml.DecodeFile`
Merge pull request kelseyhightower#44 from robbyt/patch-1 minor markdown format fix to quick-start-guide.md