Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization (2016)
Tensorflow implementation of "Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization"
PyTorch implementation of Deformable Convolution
Baseline classifiers on the polluted MNIST dataset, SJTU CS420 course project
A PyTorch implementation of shake-shake
2.56%, 15.20%, 1.30% on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and SVHN
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet…
3.8% and 18.3% on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
SE-Net Incorporates with ResNet and WideResnet on CIFAR-10/100 Dataset.
A PyTorch Implementation of SphereFace.
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
Tensorflow code for training different architectures(DenseNet, ResNet, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, VGG, NiN) on ImageNet dataset + Multi-GPU support + Transfer Learning support
python implementation of triplet loss with Caffe
Deep metric learning methods implemented in Chainer
A triplet loss implementation for PyTorch.
Base pretrained models and datasets in pytorch (MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet, Inception, SqueezeNet)
ATL(Angular Triplet Loss):A new loss function based on sphereface & triplet loss
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Caffe Protofiles for MSRA ResNet: train prototxt
Deep Face Recognition Toolbox developed on TensorFlow
face detection alignment recognition reconstruction ...
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) in paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks