Qflash[^1], a upgrade tool for quectel devices.
If firehose directory is not exist, firehose can not be used.
If fastboot directory is not exist, fastboot can not be used.
You can build fastboot, firehose independly and put the execute file (qfirehose or qfastboot) into subdir (firehose or fastboot) of Qflash to make it callable for Qflash.
root@ubuntu:# tree
├── Android.mk
├── Application.mk
├── atchannel.cpp
├── atchannel.h
├── at_tok.c
├── at_tok.cpp
├── at_tok.h
├── download.cpp
├── download.h
├── fastboot
│ ├── Android.mk
│ ├── engine.c
│ ├── fastboot.c
│ ├── fastboot.h
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── protocol.c
│ ├── quectel_log.c
│ ├── quectel_log.h
│ ├── usb.h
│ ├── usb_linux_fastboot.c
│ └── util_linux.c
├── file.cpp
├── file.h
├── firehose
│ ├── Android.mk
│ ├── firehose_protocol.c
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── qfirehose.c
│ ├── sahara_protocol.c
│ ├── sahara_protocol.h
│ ├── usb2tcp.c
│ ├── usb_linux.c
│ └── usb_linux.h
├── Makefile
├── md5.cpp
├── md5.h
├── os_linux.cpp
├── os_linux.h
├── platform_def.h
├── quectel_common.cpp
├── quectel_common.h
├── quectel_crc.cpp
├── quectel_crc.h
├── quectel_log.cpp
├── quectel_log.h
├── README.md
├── ReleaseNote.txt
├── ril-daemon.c
├── ril-daemon.cpp
├── serialif.cpp
├── serialif.h
├── tags
├── tinystr.cpp
├── tinystr.h
├── tinyxml.cpp
├── tinyxmlerror.cpp
├── tinyxml.h
├── tinyxmlparser.cpp
└── tool.sh
Qflash can call third-party update tools use exec() family of functions.
fastboot should can be called when using '-m 0' and '-m 2'
root@ubuntu:# ./QFlash -h
[02-14_16:19:37:608] QFlash Version: LTE_QFlash_Linux&Android_V1.4.8
[02-14_16:19:37:608] Builded: Feb 14 2019 16:19:28
[02-14_16:19:37:608] The CPU is little endian
[02-14_16:19:37:608] ./QFlash [fastboot|firehose] [options...]
[02-14_16:19:37:609] [protocol]
[02-14_16:19:37:609] fastboot Use fastboot upgrade protocol
[02-14_16:19:37:609] firehose Use firehose upgrade protocol
[02-14_16:19:37:609] [parameters]
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -f [package_dir] Upgrade package directory path
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -p [ttyUSBX] Diagnoise port, will auto-detect if not specified
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -m [mode] Qflash upgrade method
[02-14_16:19:37:609] method = 1 --> streaming download protocol
[02-14_16:19:37:609] method = 0 --> fastboot download protocol
[02-14_16:19:37:609] method = 2 --> fastboot download protocol (at command first)
[02-14_16:19:37:609] method = 3 --> firehose download protocol
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -s [size] Transport block size
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -v Verbose
[02-14_16:19:37:609] -h Help message