Discription: Waveform classifcation with extracellular recordings in mouse brain using Neuropixels probes
This repo include supplemental materials, data and code used in JNP paper:
Data includes:
- multi-channel waveforms
- single-channel waveforms
- extracted features and cluster labels
- velocity profiles
1D waveform features: Waveform duration, peak-trough ratio, repolarization slope, and recovery slope.
Example 2D waveform: Signals from channels along one edge of the probe are smoothed with a moving average to create the 2D waveform. Green dots indicate the location of the waveform trough on each channel.
2D waveform features: Waveform spread, velocity above the soma, and velocity below the soma.
Codes used to process waveform features and quality metrics are in: https://github.com/jiaxx/waveform_feature_extraction and in the ecephys_spike_sorting repo: https://github.com/AllenInstitute/ecephys_spike_sorting/tree/master/ecephys_spike_sorting/modules/mean_waveforms
The quality metrics and waveform features developed in this paper are included in the unit_table of publicly released Neuropixels dataset, which can be accessed through AllenSDK: https://github.com/AllenInstitute/AllenSDK/tree/master/allensdk/brain_observatory/ecephys