- This is the official implementation of "Phishpedia: A Hybrid Deep Learning Based Approach to Visually Identify Phishing Webpages" USENIX'21 link to paper, link to our website
- The contributions of our paper:
- We propose a phishing identification system Phishpedia, which has high identification accuracy and low runtime overhead, outperforming the relevant state-of-the-art identification approaches.
- Our system provides explainable annotations which increases users' confidence in model prediction
- We conduct phishing discovery experiment on emerging domains fed from CertStream and discovered 1,704 real phishing, out of which 1133 are zero-days
: A URL and its screenshot Output
: Phish/Benign, Phishing target
Step 1: Enter Deep Object Detection Model, get predicted logos and inputs (inputs are not used for later prediction, just for explaination)
Step 2: Enter Deep Siamese Model
- If Siamese report no target,
Return Benign, None
- Else Siamese report a target,
Return Phish, Phishing target
- If Siamese report no target,
- src
- adv_attack: adversarial attacking scripts
- detectron2_pedia: training script for object detector
|_ output
|_ rcnn_2
|_ rcnn_bet365.pth
- siamese_pedia: inference script for siamese
|_ siamese_retrain: training script for siamese
|_ expand_targetlist
|_ 1&1 Ionos
|_ ...
|_ domain_map.pkl
|_ resnetv2_rgb_new.pth.tar
- siamese.py: main script for siamese
- pipeline_eval.py: evaluation script for general experiment
- tele: telegram scripts to vote for phishing
- phishpedia_config.py: config script for phish-discovery experiment
- phishpedia_main.py: main script for phish-discovery experiment
- Installing Git LFS (https://git-lfs.github.com/) to the machine you use
- Install the requirements
- Create an environment with python=3.7
- Install torch, torchvision compatible with your CUDA, see here: https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/
- Install compatible Detectron2, see the official installation guide. If you are using Windows, try this guide instead.
- Install Phishpedia by running
pip install git+https://github.com/lindsey98/Phishpedia.git
Run in python to test a single site
from phishpedia.phishpedia_main import test
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from phishpedia.phishpedia_config import load_config
url = open("phishpedia/datasets/test_sites/accounts.g.cdcde.com/info.txt").read().strip()
screenshot_path = "phishpedia/datasets/test_sites/accounts.g.cdcde.com/shot.png"
cfg_path = None # None means use default config.yaml
phish_category, pred_target, plotvis, siamese_conf, pred_boxes = test(url, screenshot_path,
print('Phishing (1) or Benign (0) ?', phish_category)
print('What is its targeted brand if it is a phishing ?', pred_target)
print('What is the siamese matching confidence ?', siamese_conf)
print('Where is the predicted logo (in [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])?', pred_boxes)
plt.imshow(plotvis[:, :, ::-1])
plt.title("Predicted screenshot with annotations")
Or run in terminal to test a list of sites, copy run.py to your local machine and run
python run.py --folder <folder you want to test e.g. phishpedia/datasets/test_sites> --results <where you want to save the results e.g. test.txt> --no_repeat
- ❗❗ Unfortunetaly, Git LFS has bandwidth limit every month, so if you meet the following error "pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key 'v'". You can try to download the models directly from here: And then move the models to your Phishpedia package.
- In our paper, we also implement several phishing detection and identification baselines, see here
- The logo targetlist decribed in our paper includes 181 brands, we have further expanded the targetlist to include 277 brands in this code repository
- For the phish discovery experiment, we obtain feed from Certstream phish_catcher, we lower the score threshold to be 40 to process more suspicious websites, readers can refer to their repo for details
- We use Scrapy for website crawling Repo here
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper by:
title={Phishpedia: A Hybrid Deep Learning Based Approach to Visually Identify Phishing Webpages},
author={Lin, Yun and Liu, Ruofan and Divakaran, Dinil Mon and Ng, Jun Yang and Chan, Qing Zhou and Lu, Yiwen and Si, Yuxuan and Zhang, Fan and Dong, Jin Song},
booktitle={30th $\{$USENIX$\}$ Security Symposium ($\{$USENIX$\}$ Security 21)},
If you have any issue running our code, you can raise an issue or send an email to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]