- main.py (it's python fastapi, merely restful api in python)
- main.py just providing entry points for homebridge webhook
- how to setup and start this main.py (1)(2)(3)(4)
- how to setup and setart homebridge (5)
- how to setup and setart homebridge http webhook (6)
your linux box should have python3.9 and venv, if not use root to install:
# apt install python3.9
# apt install python3.9-venv
user account is sufficient to start fastapi in virtual env
cd $HOME/venv
/usr/bin/python3.9 -m venv --system-site-packages py39ir
source py39ir/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
# imports
pip3 install pyyaml==6.0
pip3 install --upgrade pyopenssl cryptography
pip3 install broadlink
pip3 install fastapi uvicorn
# from now on you are in 'py39ir' virtual environment
# 以下 (3) (4) 都需要在 'py39ir' 環境下
make sure you are in 'py39ir' virtual environment
# i host code in 'giblab'
git clone https://gitlab.com/jiechau/python-broadlink
cd python-broadlink
# about file_em_ and file_signal_
cd cli
python broadlink_discovery # write down content in cli/file_em_em1
# learn
python broadlink_cli --device @file_em_em1 --learn # the 'Raw:' is cli/file_signal_aircon_on, is the DATA
... then you repeat --learn to learn
# test
$ python broadlink_cli --device @file_em_em1 --send DATA # Send code
$ python broadlink_cli --device @file_em_em1 --send @file_signal_aircon_on # Send code from file
# edit yaml file
cp config_secrets_python-broadlink_example.yaml config_secrets_python-broadlink.yaml
# 需要這個 yaml 檔案定義 em 和 signal, 就是 剛剛 --learn 找到的
# start fastapi
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8080
# test
# suppose your host ip is
# how it works (restful api)
"id": "switch_aircon_livingroom",
"action": "on"
- what this project (python-broadlink) really do is restful api (main.py)
- to provide webhook entry for the homebridge 'homebridge-http-webhooks'
- the above trigger api w/ para will actuall call subprocess:
python-broadlink/cli/broadlink_cli.sh /file...location/file_em_em1 /file...location/file_signal_aircon_on
- let the emission em1 to fire aircon_on signal:
python-broadlink/cli/broadlink_cli --device @/file...location/file_em_em1 --send @/file...location/file_signal_aircon_on
em (emission source) and sg (signal) are defined in config_secrets_python-broadlink.yaml
you could find the emission/signal content in (3)
this main.py actually provides 3 ways (routers) to be called:
/trigger (call broadlink to fire ir)
/exec (run a script)
/telegram (send a telegram message)
- Homebridge https://github.com/homebridge
- Homebridge Docker image https://github.com/homebridge/docker-homebridge
# i use docker, _NO_ docker compose
# this way you backup all your setting in $(pwd)/homebridge
docker run --net=host --name=homebridge -v $(pwd)/homebridge:/homebridge homebridge/homebridge:latest
- once you have your homebridge set up and running, you could access port 8581
http://<homebridge ip>:8581/
# in my case:
use web UI to add plugins (recommend):
these 2 function the same, just one is cmd shell and another is http web api
- homebridge-cmdswitch2
- homebridge-http-webhooks
i use 'homebridge-http-webhooks' https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-http-webhooks
or alternatively add plugins by command line (not recommend):
hb-service add homebridge-cmdswitch2
hb-service add homebridge-http-webhooks
- i use "homebridge-http-webhooks"
- visit for config examples (different device) https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-http-webhooks
- config setting for devices and config
http://<homebridge ip>:8581/config
# in my case:
- example in config.json:
- in this example, '' is what this repos (main.py) provided
- on_body and on_headers is the payload
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge xxxx",
"username": "0E:87:92:xx:xx:xx",
"port": 51056,
"pin": "111-11-11",
"advertiser": "bonjour-hap"
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"platform": "HttpWebHooks",
"webhook_port": "51828",
"switches": [
"id": "switch_aircon_livingroom",
"name": "客廳冷氣",
"on_url": "",
"on_method": "POST",
"on_body": "{ \"id\": \"switch_aircon_livingroom\", \"action\": \"on\" }",
"on_headers": "{\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}",
"off_url": "",
"off_method": "POST",
"off_body": "{ \"id\": \"switch_aircon_livingroom\", \"action\": \"off\" }",
"off_headers": "{\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}"
"name": "Config",
"port": 8581,
"platform": "config"