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I will keep all of my essential files for customizing my destkop here. Fonts, config files, wallpapers, scripts, etc...

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I will keep all of my essential files for customizing my destkop here. Fonts, config files, wallpapers, scripts, etc...

The Readme is as follows

Using these resources

If you mess up a section, you can can find replacement ones that are default bunsenlabs modified in the folder, you must display hidden files to see the .config


Great General List

If setting up on a raspberry pi


Changing system wide fonts

you must edit ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf

Changing the Menu fonts

You must edit ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml

Changing Tint2's Fonts

You edit them in ~.config/tint2/tint2rc

It is in the Fonts Clock,toolbar,Battery,Executor and taskbar sections (around 100 and 130, 163, 182, 195, 267), you can pick the font family, asize and color

Changing Conky's Fonts

You edit them in ~.config/conky/BL-Default.conkyrc

They have a font section

Modifying Openbox

You must edit ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml

You can change the number of Workspaces here. You can change the shortcuts (keybinds) here.

If you mess up the Menu and can not access it you can modidy the configuration files and retart Openbox with this command.

openbox --restart

Modifying Conky

Add additional Shortcut Notations

Alt + F4 = close active Window Alt + tab = cycle through woindows on desktop Alt + Shift + Tab = cycle through windows in a reverse order Windows + D = Shows Desktop Ctrl + Alt + right key = Change to the workspace to the right Win + F1 or F2 or F3 or F4 = Change workspace Alt + left click = Move a Window Alt + Right Click = resize a window

Changing what Conky Displays (Examples of Conky Variables with arguments))

Changing the clock (time variable)

Different format variables for date command

Check the man page of the date command

Displaying Cmus Data

Modifying Tint2 (wiki for tint2)

Changing System wide colors

You can change them via the themes editor in the menu or add a theme to /usr/share/themes

Changing Basic Appearances

Grub Image

I. The default background image used by grub during the boot process is:


Changing the blue version to the grey one can be done by simply copying (as root) /usr/share/images/bunsen/wallpapers/default/BL-Beam-plain-grey.png to /usr/share/images/bunsen/grub/ - rename it to default.png while renaming the original default.png to something like default.png.old and if your root system is encrypted, run

sudo update-grub

.or you can edit /etc/default/grub:


Default Login Background

The default login background is


Changing the blue version to the grey one is basically the same as above: Copy the appropriate file (as root) e.g. flame-text-1920x1200-right.png (there might be a better one depending on the screen resolution) from /usr/share/images/bunsen/wallpapers/default to /usr/share/images/bunsen/login/ and rename it to default.png while renaming the original default.png to something like default.png.old -> done!


Changing the desktop background (wallpaper) is easy via Menu/Preferences/Choose Wallpaper. If I’m not mistaken the files are in the ~/Pictures/wallpapers directory.

bunsen Labs Exit Bar color

For changing the bl-exit bar color from blue to grey copy the directory /etc/bl-exit to ~/.config and change the following line in ~/.config/bl-exit/bl-exitrc under the [style] section to:

rcfile = grey.rc

Required Installations

Ibus and Ibus-Anthy(Japanese) for typing in Japanese Tor Broswer firefox chromium uzbl browser Gimp vlc cmus - C-music (terminal music player clementine Audacity K3b Audacity Qjackctl rosegarden amsynth qsynth sakura terminal terminator terminal libre Office Abiword gedit calculator dmenu clipit nitrogen conky transmission-gtk (torrents)

List of Japanese Computer Menu Terms

Openbox Menu

terminal - ターミナル Web /Browswer - Web ブラウザ File Manager - ファイルマネージャー  Text Editor - テキストエディター Media Player - メディア・プレーヤー Tor Browser - Tor ブラウザ

Multimedia - ムルチメディア Internet - エンタネット Office - 事務所 Jimusho

Places - 場所 Recent Files - 最近開けたファイル

Preferences - 設定 せってい preferences System - システム Help - ヘルプ

Screen Lock - 画面ロック がめん・ロック Exit - 終了 しゅうりょう quit

In alphabetical order of English terms Note: This list has become rather long. Please don’t be daunted by it. The aim is to give you a reference for anything you might run into. Actually a lot of what you encounter won’t be on this list. It will simply be katakana-ized versions of the English terms you know already. You don’t need to know this list! Just bookmark it and use it when you need it.

操作 そうさ action 追加 ついか add 適用 てきよう apply 閉じる とじる close 環境設定 かんきょうせってい configuration (preferences) 作成 さくせい create 切り取り  きりとり cut 削除 さくじょ delete 編集 へんしゅう edit 検索 けんさく find (also the term for “search” in general) 次を検索 つぎをけんさく find next 強制終了 きょうせいしゅうりょう force quit 書式 しょしき format 全画面 ぜんがめん full screen 履歴 りれき history 入力 にゅうりょく input 言語 げんご language 一覧 いちらん list 読み込み中 よみこみちゅう loading 場所 ばしょ location 管理 かんり manage 新規 しんき new 開く あく open 上書き うわがき overwrite 貼り付け はりつけ paste 印刷  いんさつ print 再生 さいせい playback 終了 しゅうりょう quit 最近 さいきん recent (as in 最近開けたファイル, recently opened files) ゴミ箱 ゴミばこ recycle bin やり直す やりなおす redo 再読み込み さいよみこみ reload 再起動 さいきどう restart 実行 じっこう run 保存 ほぞん save 保存先 ほぞんさき save location (destination) 検索 けんさく search 設定 せってい settings 表 ひょう table 元に戻す もとにもどす undo 取り消す とりけす undo 無題 むだい untitled 利用 りよう use 使用 しよう use 利用者 りようしゃ user 表示 ひょうじ view

入力 にゅうりょく input 追加 ついか add 作成 さくせい create 検索 けんさく search 適用 てきよう apply 利用 りよう use 使用 しよう use 実行 じっこう run 再起動 さいきどう restart 書式 しょしき format ゴミ箱 ゴミばこ recycle bin 利用者 りようしゃ user 全画面 ぜんがめん full screen 言語 げんご language 管理 かんり manage 印刷  いんさつ print 表 ひょう table 場所 ばしょ location 操作 そうさ action 一覧 いちらん list 上書き うわがき overwrite 無題 むだい untitled 元に戻す もとにもどす undo 切り取り  きりとり cut 貼り付け はりつけ paste 再読み込み さいよみこみ reload

お気に入り おきにいり favorites 戻る もどる go back 置き換える おきかえる replace 選択 せんたく select 並べ替え ならべかえ sorting 起動 きどう starting

To type ディ, type "dexi". (This depends on what input engine you're using. Some use x to create small characters, some use l.) Tobberoth July 2009 ( ・To type the Nakaguro (Interpunct) dot between katakana simply type the word なかぐろ orなかてん. An alternative spelling is using z/ , the / becomes a middle dot z・. For Anthy. ● To type the bigger black circle you can type kuromaru くろまる

Typing てん is a last chance measure as it contains a large number of punctuation in it.


I will keep all of my essential files for customizing my destkop here. Fonts, config files, wallpapers, scripts, etc...






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