- 🔭 I’m currently working on: Finding what I truly want to do in my life
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: PURPLE TEAM??!!!!!!!🤩
- ⚡ Fun fact: Am I the only one
wastingspending 10 - 30 minutes just to come up with cool usernames? -16deathcaitlyn
Monorepo for challenges, infra, and theming for UIUCTF 2024 (https://2024.uiuc.tf/)
Forked from amripara/The-Orb-Ponderer
This is Orb Ponderer! A video game developed at VG Dev, a Georgia Tech club, during the 2022 spring semester.
Forked from sigpwny/UIUCTF-2022-Public
UIUCTF 2022 - authored windows challenge in rev
Sustainable Navigation - sustainable transportation suggestion web app
Credit Card Fraud Detection Machine Learning Model - GMM & Random Forest
4G cellular service security research @ Kookmin University