incubator-geode Public
Forked from apache/geodeMirror of Apache Geode (Incubating)
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 25, 2016 -
hadoop Public
Forked from apache/hadoopMirror of Apache Hadoop
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2016 -
dracula-theme Public
Forked from dracula/dracula-theme😱 A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Emacs, iTerm, JetBrains, Slack, Sublime Text, Textmate, Terminal.app, Vim, Xcode, and Zsh
Emacs Lisp UpdatedMay 16, 2016 -
GCViewer Public
Forked from chewiebug/GCViewerFork of tagtraum industries' GCViewer. Tagtraum stopped development in 2008, I aim to improve support for Sun's / Oracle's java 1.6+ garbage collector logs (including G1 collector)
Java Other UpdatedFeb 18, 2016 -
kafka Public
Forked from apache/kafkaMirror of Apache Kafka
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 15, 2016 -
zookeeper Public
Forked from apache/zookeeperMirror of Apache Hadoop ZooKeeper
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 14, 2016 -
hive-udf Public
Forked from nexr/hive-udfNexR Hive UDFs
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 5, 2015