ESP8266 Reads the barometric pressure and temperature from a BMP280 module and sends data to ThingSpeak
Lua UpdatedNov 18, 2024 -
PE_Champ_4040_Microcomputer Public
"Practical Electronics" magazine article on building "Champ" 4040 microcomputer
Home-brew Intel 8080 Single Board Computer with Altair BASIC Interpreter
Home-brew Intel 4004 Single Board Computer
Mostek MK3850 Single Board Computer with tiny BASIC
A simple single board computer built arounf the MC14500B 1-bit CPU.
A simple single board computer with Tiny BASIC for the National Semiconductor SC/MP microprocessor
Decimal arithmetic subroutines for the Intel 4004 CPU
Atomic_Clock_Modification Public
A simple modification to an atomic clock provides a visual indication when the WWVB signal is being received
UpdatedNov 18, 2024 -
ESP8266_Freezer_Door_Alarm Public
Uses an ESP8266 to alert when a freezer door is left ajar.
A Soarer's Controller configuration file to turn a Wheelwriter 70 keyboard into a USB keyboard.
A Soarer's Controller configuration file to turn a Wheelwriter 6 keyboard into a USB keyboard.
A simple Home-brew Intel 8048 Single Board Computer
A simple Signetics 2650 single board computer
IBM_Wheelwriter_Bus_Reader Public
Uses a Dallas Semiconductor DS89C440 MCU to read and display data on the Wheelwriter's serial BUS.
IBM_Wheelwriter_Bus_Sender Public
Uses a Dallas Semiconductor DS89C440 MCU to send data over the Wheelwriter's serial BUS.
Home-brew Intel 8008 single board computer with SCELBAL BASIC interpreter in EPROM
Vintage General Instrument Speech Synthesizer CTS256 with SP0256
A simple single board computer based on the MOSTEK MK38P70 or MK38P73 MCU
IBM_Wheelwriter_Teletype Public
A STCmicro STC15W4K32S4 series micro controller turns an IBM Wheelwriter Electronic Typewriter into a teletype-like device.
IBM_Wheelwriter_Printer Public
A Dallas Semiconductor DS89C440 MCU turns an IBM Wheelwriter Electronic typewriter into a Windows "Generic/Text Only" Printer.
CHEKMO_WinBoard_Interface Public
WinBoard Graphic User Interface for Ancient CHEKMO-II Chess Program
ESP8266_WiFi_Analog_Clock Public
Uses an ESP8266 module and an Arduino sketch to display the local time on a inexpensive analog quartz clock.
Update_DNS-O_Matic Public
Python script that updates DNS-O-Matic (and thus OpenDNS) when my IP address changes
Python UpdatedNov 1, 2023 -
A 16 bit random number generator for the Intel 4004 or 4040 CPU
2732_EPROM_Emulator Public
Uses an IDT7134 Dual Port RAM to emulate a 2732 EPROM
Calculate register values for Intel 4004 and 4040 delay loops
FlowControlSoftSerial Public
Paul Stoffregen's Software Serial library for Arduino hacked to incorporate RTS/CTS flow control.