This module was modified from: Puppet Configs for a Ganeti Tutorial
It will setup ganeti nodes with the basics to install Ganeti.
Ganeti Instance Image, and Ganeti Web Manager are still in development.
This module will not configure networking. Please ensure that your node is configured networking-wise. This module will not configure storage, though as you will note in tests/nodes/testpup-6-0.pp, that one might be able to realize this with other modules. That example uses puppetlabs-lvm, available at github. This module will not initialize the cluster. Given the low frequency of such an action, this feature will eventually be removed from the code.
This was supported in the parent of this fork. In this instance, I will be removing this ability, in favor of simpler code.
This module is presently being developed on : CentOS 6.3 drbd 8.3 ganeti 2.5.1 of the variety. puppet version 2.6.6
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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