Associate Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
- Richmond, VA
List-of-neighboring-states-for-each-US-state Public
Forked from ubikuity/List-of-neighboring-states-for-each-US-stateList of neighboring/bordering/adjacent states for each USA state
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2021 -
styles Public
Forked from citation-style-language/stylesOfficial repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
Ruby UpdatedJan 21, 2020 -
hugo-academic Public
Forked from HugoBlox/hugo-blox-builderThe website designer for Hugo. Build and deploy a beautiful website in minutes 🚀
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2018 -
translators Public
Forked from zotero/translatorsZotero Translators
JavaScript UpdatedJun 24, 2015 -
Rmagic Public
Forked from yanlinlin82/Rmagic解构R语言中的“黑魔法”
CSS Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJun 11, 2015 -
geojsonio Public
Forked from ropensci/geojsonioConvert many data formats to & from geoJSON & topoJSON
R Other UpdatedJun 10, 2015 -
snownlp Public
Forked from isnowfy/snownlpPython library for processing Chinese text
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2014