It's a custom Camera Project. Now it includes Basic camera functions. Then I Will fill many functions. E.g Front and rear mirror switch, Flash Mode, Delay shooting, Square viewfinder,Then i will Add watermark effect and Camera2 Api.
You can download the apk file folder , and then install the apk demo
If you want to define your own interface , then you can view the detailed CameraActivity and change its layout file activity_camera.xml.
Some notes
In My MainActivity Such calls:
Then onActivityResult get the picture returned , you can also create your Activity calls like this.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if(resultCode != AppConstant.RESULT_CODE.RESULT_OK){
if(requestCode == AppConstant.REQUEST_CODE.CAMERA){
String img_path = data.getStringExtra(AppConstant.KEY.IMG_PATH);