Towards real-time finite-strain anisotropic thermo-visco-elastodynamic analysis of soft tissues for thermal ablative therapy (MIT License)
Zhang, J., Lay, R. J., Roberts, S. K., & Chauhan, S. (2021). Towards real-time finite-strain anisotropic thermo-visco-elastodynamic analysis of soft tissues for thermal ablative therapy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 198, 105789. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105789. |
which is based on the works of
[1] Zhang, J., & Chauhan, S. (2019). Fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm for transient heat transfer. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 139, 160-175. doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2019.01.030 [Code]. |
[2] Zhang, J., & Chauhan, S. (2019). Real-time computation of bio-heat transfer in the fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm (FED-FEM) framework. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 75(4), 217-238. doi:10.1080/10407790.2019.1627812 [Code]. |
[3] Zhang, J., & Chauhan, S. (2020). Fast computation of soft tissue thermal response under deformation based on fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm for surgical simulation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 187, 105244. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105244 [Code]. |
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- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2017
- OpenMP
- Download the source repository.
- Visual Studio 2017->Create New Project (Empty Project)->Project->Add Existing Item->BioheatExpan.cpp.
- Project->Properties->C/C++->Language->OpenMP Support->Yes (/openmp).
- Build Solution (Release/x64).
- (cmd)Command Prompt->build path>project_name.exe input.txt. Example:
- Output: T.vtk, U.vtk, and Undeformed.vtk
- Open T.vtk and U.vtk. (such as using ParaView)
- Liver_Iso.inp (Abaqus input) is provided in the “models”, which was used to create Liver_Iso_n1.txt.
- Isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic thermal conductivities.
- Isotropic, transversely isotropic, and orthotropic thermal expansions.
- Neo-Hookean and Transversely Isotropic hyperelastic materials.
- Node index: Disp, FixP, HFlux, FixT.
- Element index: Perfu, BodyHFlux.
- All Elements: Gravity, Metabo.
- Node and Element index can start at 0, 1, or any but must be consistent in a file.
- Index starts at 0: *.txt.
- Index starts at 1: *_n1.txt.
Please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your valuable feedback and suggestions.