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jingdao committed Dec 9, 2019
1 parent 08068a0 commit 80ee208
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,547 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE.txt
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 Thalles Santos Silva
Copyright (c) 2019 Jingdao Chen

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ Before doing this, make sure to run "" with "--method backSub" to sa
Otherwise, only the first component is used.

python --dataset beach --use_history
python --dataset university

Train the network using "" (150 epochs). The trained model will be saved in "dataset/myfolder/model.ckpt".

python --dataset beach --use_history
python --dataset university

Test the network and measure the accuracy. The detection threshold (a number between 0 and 1) controls
the confidence level above which a pixel will be considered a positive detection.
Result images will be displayed if the "--viz" flag is used, otherwise only the accuracy is computed.

python --dataset beach --use_history --detection_threshold 0.99 --viz --save_frame 100
python --dataset university --detection_threshold 0.99 --viz

## Dependencies
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72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scipy.misc
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import sys

dataset = 'beach'
margin = 10
for i in range(len(sys.argv)-1):
if sys.argv[i]=='--dataset':
dataset = sys.argv[i+1]
elif sys.argv[i]=='--margin':
margin = int(sys.argv[i+1])

#fig = plt.figure()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,30))

def next_img():
global image_np, image_display, labels, img_id, segment_id
image_np = scipy.misc.imread('dataset/%s/%d.png'%(dataset,img_id))
except IOError:
image_display = image_np.copy()
image_np = numpy.mean(image_np, axis=2)
#print(image_np.shape, image_display.shape)
labels = numpy.zeros(image_np.shape, dtype=int)
print('Image #%d Segment #%d'%(img_id, segment_id))
plt.title('Image #%d Segment #%d'%(img_id, segment_id))

def onkey(event):
if event.key==' ':
global img_id
scipy.misc.imsave('dataset/%s/label%d.png'%(dataset,img_id), labels)
img_id += 1
elif event.key=='r':

def onclick(event):
global segment_id
x,y = int(numpy.round(event.xdata)), int(numpy.round(event.ydata))
xl = max(0,x-margin)
xr = min(image_np.shape[1],x+margin)
yl = max(0,y-margin)
yr = min(image_np.shape[0],y+margin)
cropped = image_np[yl:yr, xl:xr]
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(cropped.reshape(-1,1))
print('%.2f (%d) %.2f (%d)'%(kmeans.cluster_centers_[0], numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==0), kmeans.cluster_centers_[1], numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==1)))
target_label = numpy.argmax(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
# target_label = kmeans.labels_.reshape(cropped.shape)[y-yl, x-xl]
mask = kmeans.labels_.reshape(cropped.shape)==target_label
ym, xm = numpy.nonzero(mask)
ym += yl
xm += xl
image_display[ym,xm,:] = [255,0,0]
segment_id += 1
labels[ym,xm] = segment_id
print('Image #%d Segment #%d'%(img_id, segment_id))
plt.title('Image #%d Segment #%d'%(img_id, segment_id))

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', onkey)
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import scipy.misc
import sys
import cv2
import time
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import glob

method = 'threshold'
#method = 'threshold_adp'
#method = 'backSub'
#method = 'kmeans'
dataset = 'beach'
save_frame = -1 #98, 130
for i in range(len(sys.argv)-1):
if sys.argv[i]=='--method':
method = sys.argv[i+1]
elif sys.argv[i]=='--dataset':
dataset = sys.argv[i+1]
elif sys.argv[i]=='--save_frame':
save_frame = int(sys.argv[i+1])

backSub = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
#backSub = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN()
image_id = 1
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,30))
xbound, ybound, imscale = [int(t) for t in open('dataset/%s/params.txt'%dataset).readline().split()]
num_samples = len(glob.glob('dataset/%s/label*.png'%dataset))
num_test = num_samples - int(num_samples*0.8)
test_idx = num_samples - num_test + 1
tp = 0
fp = 0
fn = 0
obj_tp = 0
obj_fp = 0
obj_fn = 0
viz = '--viz' in sys.argv
zoomed_in = True
comp_time = []

while True:
if method!='backSub' and image_id < test_idx:
image_id += 1
I = scipy.misc.imread('dataset/%s/%d.png' % (dataset,image_id))
if len(I.shape)>2:
I = numpy.mean(I, axis=2)
except IOError:
gt = scipy.misc.imread('dataset/%s/label%d.png' % (dataset, image_id))
gt = gt > 0
dt = numpy.zeros(I.shape, dtype=bool)
image_np = I[ybound:ybound+imscale, xbound:xbound+imscale]
t1 = time.time()
if method=='threshold':
Isub = image_np.astype(numpy.uint8)
val, mask = cv2.threshold(Isub,75 if dataset=='beach' else 85 if dataset=='shore' else 120,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
elif method=='threshold_adp':
Isub = image_np.astype(numpy.uint8)
blur = cv2.medianBlur(Isub,5)
if dataset=='beach':
mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,15,-5)
elif dataset=='shore':
mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,15,-8)
mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,15,-10)
elif method=='backSub':
if dataset=='combined' and image_id in [97, 225, 249]:
backSub = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
mask = backSub.apply(image_np)
scipy.misc.imsave('dataset/%s/backSub/%d.png'%(dataset,image_id), mask.astype(numpy.uint8))
elif method=='kmeans':
window_size = 15 if dataset=='beach' or dataset=='shore' else 100
margin = 10 if dataset=='beach' or dataset=='shore' else 100
Isub = image_np.copy()
#start with mean shift
centerX = 0
centerY = 0
centerVal = Isub[centerY, centerX]
peaks = []
peakVal = []
while True:
while True:
x1 = max(0,centerX-window_size)
x2 = min(Isub.shape[1],centerX+window_size)
y1 = max(0,centerY-window_size)
y2 = min(Isub.shape[0],centerY+window_size)
Itmp = Isub[y1:y2,x1:x2]
maxVal = Itmp.max()
# print(centerX,centerY,centerVal,maxVal)
if maxVal > centerVal:
dy, dx = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(Itmp), Itmp.shape)
centerY = y1+dy
centerX = x1+dx
centerVal = maxVal
Isub[y1:y2,x1:x2] = 0
Isub[y1:y2,x1:x2] = 0
# print('Found peak (%d,%d) at %d'%(centerX,centerY,centerVal))
valid_idx = numpy.array(numpy.nonzero(Isub)).T
if len(valid_idx) > 0:
centerY, centerX = valid_idx[0]
centerVal = Isub[centerY, centerX]
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(numpy.array(peakVal).reshape(-1,1))
# print(kmeans.cluster_centers_, numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==0), numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==1))
target_label = numpy.argmax(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
if dataset=='beach':
peaks = numpy.array(peaks)[numpy.array(peakVal)>100]
elif dataset=='shore':
peaks = numpy.array(peaks)[numpy.array(peakVal)>85]
peaks = numpy.array(peaks)[kmeans.labels_ == target_label]
Isub = image_np.copy()
mask = numpy.zeros(Isub.shape, dtype=bool)
for x,y in peaks:
xl = max(0,x-margin)
xr = min(Isub.shape[1],x+margin)
yl = max(0,y-margin)
yr = min(Isub.shape[0],y+margin)
cropped = Isub[yl:yr, xl:xr]
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(cropped.reshape(-1,1))
# print('kmeans %.2f (%d) %.2f (%d)'%(kmeans.cluster_centers_[0], numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==0), kmeans.cluster_centers_[1], numpy.sum(kmeans.labels_==1)))
target_label = numpy.argmax(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
M = kmeans.labels_.reshape(cropped.shape)==target_label
ym, xm = numpy.nonzero(M)
ym += yl
xm += xl
mask[ym,xm] = True
t2 = time.time()
dt[ybound:ybound+imscale,xbound:xbound+imscale] = mask
err_viz = numpy.zeros((image_np.shape[0], image_np.shape[1], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
if image_id < test_idx:
image_id += 1

gt_sub = gt[ybound:ybound+imscale, xbound:xbound+imscale] > 0
dt_sub = dt[ybound:ybound+imscale, xbound:xbound+imscale]
current_tp = numpy.logical_and(gt_sub,dt_sub)
current_fp = numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_not(gt_sub),dt_sub)
current_fn = numpy.logical_and(gt_sub,numpy.logical_not(dt_sub))
err_viz[current_tp] = [0,255,0]
err_viz[current_fp] = [0,0,255]
err_viz[current_fn] = [255,0,0]
current_tp = numpy.sum(current_tp)
current_fp = numpy.sum(current_fp)
current_fn = numpy.sum(current_fn)
prc = 1.0*current_tp/(current_tp+current_fp+1)
rcl = 1.0*current_tp/(current_tp+current_fn+1)
tp += current_tp
fp += current_fp
fn += current_fn

ret, gt_com = cv2.connectedComponents(gt_sub.astype(numpy.uint8))
ret, dt_com = cv2.connectedComponents(dt_sub.astype(numpy.uint8))
num_gt = 0
num_dt = 0
min_cluster_size = 10 if dataset=='beach' or dataset=='shore' else 200
for i in range(1, gt_com.max()+1):
if numpy.sum(gt_com==i) > min_cluster_size:
num_gt += 1
gt_com[gt_com==i] = num_gt
gt_com[gt_com==i] = 0
for i in range(1, dt_com.max()+1):
if numpy.sum(dt_com==i) > min_cluster_size:
num_dt += 1
dt_com[dt_com==i] = num_dt
dt_com[dt_com==i] = 0
current_tp = 0
dt_matched = numpy.zeros(num_dt, dtype=bool)
for i in range(1, gt_com.max()+1):
for j in range(1, dt_com.max()+1):
if dt_matched[j-1]:
m1 = gt_com==i
m2 = dt_com==j
iou = 1.0 * numpy.sum(numpy.logical_and(m1, m2)) / numpy.sum(numpy.logical_or(m1, m2))
if iou > 0:
current_tp += 1
dt_matched[j-1] = True
current_fp = numpy.sum(dt_matched==0)
current_fn = num_gt - current_tp
obj_tp += current_tp
obj_fp += current_fp
obj_fn += current_fn
obj_prc = 1.0 * current_tp / (current_tp + current_fp) if current_tp > 0 else 0
obj_rcl = 1.0 * current_tp / (current_tp + current_fn) if current_tp > 0 else 0

gt_viz = numpy.zeros((gt_sub.shape[0], gt_sub.shape[1], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
for i in range(1, gt_com.max()+1):
c = numpy.random.randint(0,255,3)
gt_viz[gt_com==i] = c
my, mx = numpy.nonzero(gt_com==i)
x1 = max(mx.min() - 5, 0)
x2 = min(mx.max() + 5, gt_viz.shape[1] - 1)
y1 = max(my.min() - 5, 0)
y2 = min(my.max() + 5, gt_viz.shape[0] - 1)
gt_viz[y1, x1:x2, :] = [255,255,0]
gt_viz[y2, x1:x2, :] = [255,255,0]
gt_viz[y1:y2, x1, :] = [255,255,0]
gt_viz[y1:y2, x2, :] = [255,255,0]
dt_viz = numpy.zeros((dt_sub.shape[0], dt_sub.shape[1], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
for i in range(1, dt_com.max()+1):
c = numpy.random.randint(0,255,3)
dt_viz[dt_com==i] = c
my, mx = numpy.nonzero(dt_com==i)
x1 = max(mx.min() - 5, 0)
x2 = min(mx.max() + 5, dt_viz.shape[1] - 1)
y1 = max(my.min() - 5, 0)
y2 = min(my.max() + 5, dt_viz.shape[0] - 1)
dt_viz[y1, x1:x2, :] = [255,255,0]
dt_viz[y2, x1:x2, :] = [255,255,0]
dt_viz[y1:y2, x1, :] = [255,255,0]
dt_viz[y1:y2, x2, :] = [255,255,0]

comp_time.append(t2 - t1)
# print('Image #%d Precision:%.2f/%.2f Recall:%.2f/%.2f (%.2fs)'%(image_id, prc,obj_prc,rcl,obj_rcl, t2-t1))

if image_id == save_frame:
scipy.misc.imsave('results/original_%d.png'%save_frame, image_np.astype(numpy.uint8))
scipy.misc.imsave('results/detected_%s_%d.png'%(method,save_frame), dt_viz)
scipy.misc.imsave('results/ground_truth_%d.png'%save_frame, gt_viz)
if viz:
plt.imshow(image_np if zoomed_in else I, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Image #%d'%image_id)
plt.imshow(gt_sub if zoomed_in else gt, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dt_viz if zoomed_in else dt, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(gt_viz, cmap='gray')
image_id += 1

P = 1.0 * tp / (tp + fp)
R = 1.0 * tp / (tp + fn)
F = 2.0 * P * R / (P + R)
oP = 1.0 * obj_tp / (obj_tp + obj_fp)
oR = 1.0 * obj_tp / (obj_tp + obj_fn)
oF = 2.0 * oP * oR / (oP + oR)
print('Overall Precision:%.3f/%.3f Recall:%.3f/%.3f Fscore:%.3f/%.3f (t=%.6fs)'%(P, oP, R, oR, F, oF, numpy.mean(comp_time)))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dataset/beach/params.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
635 650 385
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dataset/shore/params.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
0 0 600
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dataset/university/params.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
0 24 1000

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