faraday Public
Forked from lostisland/faradaySimple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2017 -
shotgun Public
Forked from rtomayko/shotgunreloading rack development server / forking version of rackup
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 15, 2016 -
nanomart-oss Public
Forked from engineyard/nanomart-ossSimple application to practice refactoring.
Ruby Other UpdatedFeb 23, 2016 -
thermoculus Public
thermal printer wifly arduino and a node app to listen to
sincapun Public
crobbled from http://tech.tulentsev.com/2012/03/deploying-with-sinatra-capistrano-unicorn/
Ruby UpdatedJul 31, 2013 -
sayserv Public
A simple nodejs http server that exposes the say command
lolcommits Public
Forked from lolcommits/lolcommitsTakes a snapshot with your Mac's built-in iSight/FaceTime webcam every time you git commit code, and archives a lolcat style image with it.
ratinatorly Public
Forked from seanhess/ratinatorlyWho rates the rate-men?
pulse-snake Public
Forked from XervoIO/pulse-snakeClassic game of Snake built with the Pulse gaming engine.
1 UpdatedMay 31, 2012 -
backbonetutorials Public
Forked from thomasdavis/backbonetutorialsAs single page apps and large scale javascript applications become more prominent on the web, useful resources for those developers who are jumping the ship are crucial.
heroku-routing Public
Forked from jkvor/heroku-routingHeroku client plugin for TCP route administration
farebot Public
Forked from codebutler/farebotRead data from MIFARE public transit cards using your NFC-equipped Android phone.
RailRoad Public
Forked from speartail/RailRoadRuby on Rails diagrams generator - this repository contains the patches that allows it to be used with rails 2.3
toto Public
Forked from cloudhead/totothe 10 second blog-engine for hackers
date_validator Public
Forked from codegram/date_validatorA simple, ORM agnostic, Ruby 1.9 compatible date validator for Rails 3, based on ActiveModel.
authlogic-connect-example Public
Forked from lancejpollard/authlogic-connect-exampleAuthlogic, OpenID, Oauth, Rails 3, on Heroku
metric_fu Public
Forked from jscruggs/metric_fuA fist full of code metrics
xmpp4r-simple Public
Forked from blaine/xmpp4r-simpleJabber::Simple