The project is the c++ implementation of the two different solutions provided in chapter 6 of the Kleinberg textbook for the Sequence Alignment problem (see project description).
- Basic implementation
- Memory efficient implementation
- Shell scripts
- Graphs
- Summary
# Compile and run basic program
# Compile and run efficient program
# Measure programs and write metrics into the corresponding output files
# %e - Elapsed real time (in seconds).
# %M - Maximum resident set size of the process during its lifetime (in Kbytes).
# Measure basic program
/usr/bin/time -a -f "%e\n%M" -o ../data/output_basic.txt ./basic ../data/input.txt
# Measure efficient program
/usr/bin/time -a -f "%e\n%M" -o ../data/output_efficient.txt ./efficient ../data/input.txt
gnuplot --persist ../graphs/time_plot.p
gnuplot --persist ../graphs/memory_plot.p
The optimal table is unique but the optimal alignment is not unique