###Descripe Python3.5 just notice any cartorn were ready let me know and let my home PC download .
###ALERT the go lib websocket maxSize is 512,so when you send outsize data that websocket will close and not recv msg, you need to change /Users/wupeijin/go/src/gopkg.in/olahol/melody.v1/config.go MaxMessageSize: 4096, MessageBufferSize: 4096, and rebuild your go program, if spider too slow,not play with websocket in 1/min will happen [Errno 32] Broken pipe return &Config{ WriteWait: 600 * time.Second, PongWait: 600 * time.Second, PingPeriod: (600 * time.Second * 9) / 10, MaxMessageSize: 4096, MessageBufferSize: 4096, }
###Step: Mac pip install scrapy
cd ${project} scrapy crawl quotes -o output.json
####Step: Mac pip install virtualenv virtualenv venv/bin/activate pip3.5 install pyqt5
start websocket server ./chat &
###schema link (https://github.com/jinjin123/GetReady/blob/master/cartoon.pdf)
#client source venv/bin/activate python ScmGUI.py
###[ home windows7 python2.7 pywin32 and code ] (https://github.com/jinjin123/VirtualOpeation)
spider ioop get the website cartoon start time
go handle spider data push to socket channel to Mac
mac Pyqt5 socket daemon get the socket message then open window Notice me