Flutter package to help you lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen.
一个基于 Android 调试 API + 百度地图实现的虚拟定位工具,并且同时实现了一个可以自由移动的摇杆
FL Chart is a highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.
Flutter plugin to enable, disable or toggle screenshot support in your application.
Naver Mobile Dynamic Map SDK for Flutter (unofficial)
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku
Language Selector let users select individual app languages (Android 13+)
This android application is to check Travian attack by server or rasberry pi or any pi =)
12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
兼容android11、android 10,相机拍照,相册选择(单选/多选),文件夹图片选择(单选/多选),视频选择,视频图片多类型复杂选择,各界面根据状态栏颜色智能适配状态栏字体颜色变色为深色或浅色,根据使用场景智能适配沉浸式状态栏,内部处理运行时权限,支持Glide/Picasso/Imageloader等所有图片加载框架库的带默认勾选选中图片的能填充自定义广告的自定义Ui相机相册图片…
Multiple samples showing the best practices in storage APIs on Android.
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Download a file from a WKWebView
QRScanner is a base level QR Code scanning application. It uses AVFoundation for scanning the code. Feel free to download and customize.
🔥🔥🔥 Based on OkHttp encapsulation, support Kotlin Coroutines、RxJava2、RxJava3; 30s to get started.
Picture Selector Library for Android or 图片选择器
🔥折线图、Retrofit、RxJava、RxLifecycle、DataBinding、MVP、MVVM、自动化测试工具UiAutomator、自定义控件、RecyclerView扩展组件、NDK开发、Design Support Library、蓝牙BLE开发、正则表达式
A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with migrating a View-based app to Jetpack Compose.
Official electron build of