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Tags: jipumarino/GitSavvy



Toggle 2.14.1's commit message
Merge pull request timbrel#621 from divmain/r2.14.1

Release 2.14.1


Toggle 2.14.0's commit message
I want to give a big thank-you to Pavel, Randy, and Simon for all of …

…their work on GitSavvy. I've been busy on other projects, and they've been managing PRs and moving things forward significantly.

Here are the changes since 2.13.0:

  New feature:
   - `git: show current file at commit`
   - Proper `git: clone` support.

   - Improved keyboard navigation in dashboards.
   - Improved git-log functionality.
   - Enable preservation of merges while rebasing.
   - New shortcuts in the Bransh dashboard.
   - Add pagination to various palette commands.
   - Better status information when rebasing.
   - Include merge hash in changelog generation.
   - `git: push` asynchronously.
   - Status updates when pulling/pushing.

  Bug fixes:
   - Sidebar refresh tweaks.

And several small tweaks, bug fixes, and internal refactors!

   - Simon
   - Petr Marek
   - Randy Lai
   - Pavel Savchenko


Toggle 2.13.0's commit message
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce that Pavel Savchenko (@asfaltboy) and Randy Lai (@randy3k) have joined the GitSavvy team as official collaborators.  That means they'll be helping to address issues, implement features, and push out new releases.  Thanks for joining the team, guys!

Thanks also to Simon Toivo (@stoivo) for all his help over the last months as my first official collaborator - the project (and I) would have suffered without your help.

There are lots of bug fixes and enhancements in this release.  As always, reach out to us on Gitter[0] or by opening an issue [1] if you encounter problems.



Changes since 2.12.1:

   - `git: clone` command.
   - `git: fixup from stage` and `git: quick stage current file and fixup` commands.
   - `git: compare against ...` and `git: compare current file against ...` commands.
   - Display diff between commits while in commit view with `f` key.
   - Soup-up `git: log` quick panel, allowing you to filter:
       + by the current branch,
       + by author,
       + or by another branch.
   - Soup-up `git: log` secondary quick panel, revealed once commit is selected.  You can now:
       + show the commit,
       + checkout the commit,
       + compare the commit against a branch or reference,
       + copy the full commit SHA,
       + diff the commit against the working directory, or
       + diff the commit against the cache.

   - Add keyboard navigation in diff and commit views.
   - Contextual pop-up help in the commit, diff, inline-diff, and commit comparison views.
   - Show commit in output panel when scrolling the `git: log` quick panel.
   - Add navication through conflicting files in Rebase dashboard.
   - Improve syntax highlighting for the graph view.
   - Allow user to select remote repo to act as base when utilizing various `github: ...` commands.
   - `github: open file on remote` can now open multiple files at once.
   - Add Vintageous-friendly navigation keys in various dashboards.

   - Files with a `typechange` status were not displayed correctly in the Status dashboard.
   - Files with a `copied` status were not displayed correctly in the Status dashboard.
   - Cursor locations were sometimes incorrect when dashboards initially load.
   - Paths would not always resolve correctly when dealing with symlinked directories.
   - Vim friendly mode broke "skip commit during rebase" shortcut.
   - Files shown from the graph view would use the GitSavvy graph syntax.
   - Syntax irregularities in GitSavvy graph syntax file.
   - User was unable to stage/unstage files in Status dashboard when cursor was at the end of the row.
   - Merge commits were incorrectly filtered from `git: log` listing.
   - Quick stage did not handle merge conflicts well.
   - Tag dashboard would not allow deleting of viewing of remote tags.

   - Add lots of docs.

   - Pavel Savchenko
   - Randy Lai
   - Simon
   - Dale Bustad
   - Scott Richardson


Toggle 2.12.1's commit message
Recap release message.


Toggle 2.12.0's commit message
Changes since 2.11.0:

   - Add a smart-tag key-binding to the Tags dashboard.
   - Don't prompt for a remote when there is only one.

   - Clean up refresh and output in status-bar for custom Git commands.
   - Caching of pre-rebase state was broken.
   - Tag dashboard commands would fail due to command scope context mismatch.

   - Reorganize active-branch related code.
   - Update contribution guidelines for commit subject structure.
   - Add debug tracing and fancy output for GitSavvy debug reloads.

   - Randy Lai
   - Dale Bustad
   - Eldar Abusalimov


Toggle 2.11.0's commit message
Hey everybody,

There are a lot of changes and refinements in this release.  Remember to reach out to us on Gitter[0] or open an issue[1] if you run into any problems, and thanks for using GitSavvy!


   - Cherry-pick from Branch Commit Comparison view.
   - New commands to add and remove remotes.

   - Inline-diff and diff views are now re-used for the same file.
   - GitSavvy color schemes no longer appear in Sublime's color scheme menu.
   - Help menus can now be hidden in dashboards.
   - After fetching, user is now prompted to fetch the remote.
   - Branch view now support simultaneous merging from multiple branches.
   - Lots of improvements to GitSavvy internal syntaxes and dashboard UIs.
   - Tags in tag dashboard are now sorted with semver.
   - Improve experience when using Sublime as editor for terminal-based interactive rebase.
   - `git: blame` and `git: log` quick panels now remember previously selected option.
   - Show keyboard shortcuts for graph view in a popup.
   - Users can now augment the execution environment of custom Git commands.
   - Add easy access to GitSavvy settings.
   - Navigate with . and , in the Rebase dashboard, plus
   - Navigate with . and , in the Tag dashboard.
   - Dashboards also include Vintageous-friendly navigation key-bindings.
   - Index syntax files asynchronously, to avoid blocking Sublime startup.
   - Default to selecting the active remove in quick panels.
   - Prompt for remote tracking branch when opening a GitHub pull request.

   - Rebase dashboard actions would be allowed with working directory in unclean state.
   - Ignoring files would result in "# added by GitSavvy" added to `.gitignore` file.
   - Log view commands were not functioning correctly.
   - Status dashboard key-bindings did not work for files starting with `.`
   - User was unable to view tag commit when remotes were not displayed in tags dashboard.
   - Syntax highlighting failed in dashboard for SHA1 refs longer than 7 characters.
   - GitSavvy would fail to load on some platforms due to `yaml` missing from standard library.

   - Revamped debug reload using import hooks.

  - David Nicolson
  - Dale Bustad
  - Petr Marek
  - Eldar Abusalimov
  - laggingreflex
  - Simon
  - Shadab Zafar
  - Allen Bargi
  - Sindri Guðmundsson
  - Pavel Savchenko
  - Randy Lai
  - MJ


Toggle 2.10.1's commit message
Workaround for regression in 2.10.0


Toggle 2.10.0's commit message
Tag 2.10.0


Toggle 2.9.1's commit message
Tag 2.9.1