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TaiChi-based SoMV

TaiChi is a hybrid format for binary sparse matrix and fully exploits the data distribution of non-zero elements. Input matrices are firstly partitioned into relative dense and ultra-sparse areas, then the dense areas are encoded inversely by marking “0”s, while the ultra-sparse area is encoded using popular CSR5 format by marking “1”s. We also design a new SpMV algorithm just using addition and subtraction for binary matrices based on our partition and encoding format. We evaluate our SpMV algorithm using some real-world binary sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. Evaluation results show that the speedup of CSR5-NV-based SpMV to CSR5-based SpMV is up to 3.26x on GTX 1080 Ti and 2.20x on Tesla V100-SXM2, and our hybrid encoding for binary matrix significantly compresses the original matrix and obtains the highest speedup of 6.89x and 4.21x on GTX 1080 Ti and Tesla V100-SXM2 respectively.

Environment Information

We run the script and collect the output to the file environment_info.txt, including OS, compilers, CPU, GPU, memory, disk, and so on.


  • change the CUDA path in Makefile
  • change the ARCH: 61 in GTX 1080 Ti, 70 in Telsa V100-SXM2.
  • make
  • ./spmv matrixPath sdfPath
    • matrixPath is the directory of binary sparse matrices, which require to be downloaded by yourself from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. We uploaded some example matrices to dataset/matrixPath/.
    • unzip the dataset/, and sdfPath is the directory of sdf file: ./dataset/sdfFile/


The timing codes of different parts are included in the program, the total SpMV time should be equal to the sum of time_add_and_sub, CSR5_transfer, CSR5-based SpMV time, and time_gather.