Sentinel is an agent control plane built by Entropy Labs that allows you to efficiently oversee thousands of agents running in parallel.
🎉 New: Inspect has now made approvals a native feature! Check out the Inspect example here.
We're starting with manual reviews for agent actions, but we'll add ways to automatically approve known safe actions in the future.
This repo contains a simple web server written in Go and a React frontend. The frontend connects to the server via a websocket and displays reviews that need to be approved. Reviews are submitted to the server via the /api/review/human
endpoint, and their status is polled from the /api/review/status
From the root of the repo:
- Start the webserver and frontend with docker compose:
cp .env.example .env # Set the environment variables in the .env file
source .env # Pick up the environment variables
docker compose up # Start the server and frontend
Any agent can be run through Sentinel by sending a review to the /api/review
endpoint and then checking the status of the review with the /api/review/status
endpoint. Below we show an example of how to do this using curl, and then an example of how to use Sentinel with AISI's Inspect framework.
- Send a review to the interface via the
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/review/human \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @examples/curl_example/payload.json
- Check the status of the review programmatically with the
curl http://localhost:8080/api/review/status?id=<review-id>
(replacing <review-id>
with the ID of the review you submitted)
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the review you submitted and to approve or reject it.
Inspect is an agent evaluation framework that allows you to evaluate and control agents. We have an example of how to use Inspect with Sentinel here.
Make sure Inspect AI and Entropy Labs are installed in your python environment:
pip install inspect-ai entropy_labs --upgrade
Change to the example directory:
cd examples/inspect_example
Run the example:
inspect eval --approval approval_human.yaml --model openai/gpt-4o --trace
This will run the example and trigger the approvals. The example in is choosing random tasks to run from the list of tasks (e.g. build a web app, build a mobile app, etc). It then runs the task and triggers the approval configuration. You should see the approvals in the approval api interface at http://localhost:3000.
There is more information on the Inspect example here.
Make updates to the frontend and backend locally.