ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode Gets an Avatar!
Prereqs: Simli API Key and Avatar (Visiti
ffmpeg: Install this free standard tool See Youtube for Video)
Line-in: I use line-in audio to get audio output into my PC
The sets up a backend to process the audio stream. The Index.html builds a small page with "Start Button" and leverages the client.js script to set up the avatar! Run and host you index.html and take your time. The Files are construted to run on specific ports and all of that is clearly commented so align those ports to your set up. For example I host my HTML using Live Server on port and if you run on 5500 or 5050 you need to change the code for that. There files are not large so cut and paste Index.html, index.js, and to GPT4o as a single entry and ask for detailed code walk if you get stuck.