Demo Project opencv + Flink streaming
To start the project, run
./mvnw compile -P generate-frontend
./mvnw spring-boot:run
starts edu.tuberlin.senser.images.MainApp
Visit http://localhost:8080/
- You should have git on the path
- Maven is self contained using the wrapper accessible from mvnw
The app is orchestrated using Spring for dependency injection. edu.tuberlin.senser.images.MainApp
is the main entry point.
It uses classpath scanning to find components to initialize within the same package or underneath.
The scanning finds which starts the face detection. It also gets via dependency injection a link to a Person Service, which is connected to an in memory database.
It reads from a video or video stream by opening the resource specified under the name senser.videosource
This can be a remote resource with streaming video, or a locally stored video file.
Once a face is found, we try to recognize it, by asking the lbphFaceRecognizer
int[] plabel = new int[1];
double[] pconfidence = new double[1];
lbphFaceRecognizer.predict(face_resized, plabel, pconfidence);"Prediction confidence {}", pconfidence[0]);
If the confidence is sufficiently high, we know we have a known face.
For simplicity we just add each picture to the training samples, by adding it to the database
box_text = personService.registerImage(personID, face_resized, counter, confidence);
and updating the recognizer with the newly found face
lbphFaceRecognizer.update(images, label);
Since we store images into the database, we can also inspect them live.
For this end a web controller is exposed as a component, edu.tuberlin.senser.images.web.controller.ImageController
listens on localhost:8080/images/{id}
Just visit https://localhost:8080/images to view a global view of all images.
So if there is a person with ID 1 found we can quickly retrieve all training samples using https://localhost:8080/images/1 . This will hit the controller, which retrieves the Person Object from the database, sets a model and forwards it to a view "faces"
model.addAttribute("person", personRepository.findOne(id));
return "faces";
is a view in the template cache, found in the resources section templates/faces.html
, which uses Thymeleaf (similar to jsp) to
dynamically render the resulting page on the server.
<tr th:each="image : ${person.images}">
<img th:src="*{'data:image/jpg;base64,'+image.getAsBase64()}" alt="Person" />
To start the flink streaming, the following is used StreamExample.startFlinkStream();
This runs face detection on a live video feed.
If you are running on a 64 bit OS, make sure you start your IDE in 64 bit mode as well, otherwise the dependencies might not resolve correctly.
To determine the correct opencv platform bindings, the os-maven-plugin
is used.
For integration issues with your IDE, check Issues with eclipse m2e or other ides.