django-timegraph - monitoring graphs for django
Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Wifirst
Copyright (c) 2013, Jeremy Lainé
See AUTHORS file for a full list of contributors.
django-timegraph is distributed under the BSD license, see the LICENSE file for details.
To inject metric values for an arbitrary object 'device':
from timegraph.models import Metric
for metric in Metric.objects.all():
value = request.POST.get(metric.parameter)
if value:
metric.set_polling(device, value)
To read back the value for a metric:
from timegraph.models import Metric
metric = Metric.objects.get(pk=123)
To plot a graph for the 'device' object:
from timegraph.views import render_graph
def graph_device(request, graph_slug, device_mac):
Renders the given graph for the given device.
device = get_object_or_404(Device, pk=device_mac)
graph = get_object_or_404(Graph, slug=graph_slug)
return render_graph(request, graph, device)
To set the default watermark for the generated graphs:
import time
from timegraph.forms import GraphForm
GraphForm.base_fields['watermark'].initial = '(c) %s My Company' % time.strftime('%Y')
For more information, please refer to the project homepage: