This repository contains the course files for my Kubernetes course on Udemy:
Build image: docker build .
Build & Tag: docker build -t wardviaene/k8s-demo:latest .
Tag image: docker tag imageid wardviaene/k8s-demo
Push image: docker push wardviaene/k8s-demo
List images: docker images
List all containers: docker ps -a
kubectl get pod
: Get information about all running pods
kubectl describe pod <pod>
: Describe one pod
kubectl expose pod <pod> --port=444 --name=frontend
: Expose the port of a pod (creates a new service)
kubectl port-forward <pod> 8080
: Port forward the exposed pod port to your local machine
kubectl attach <podname> -i
: Attach to the pod
kubectl exec <pod> -- command
: Execute a command on the pod
kubectl label pods <pod> mylabel=awesome
: Add a new label to a pod
kubectl run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh
: Run a shell in a pod - very useful for debugging
kubectl get deployments
: Get information on current deployments
kubectl get rs
: Get information about the replica sets
kubectl get pods --show-labels
: get pods, and also show labels attached to those pods
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
: Get deployment status
kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=k8s-demo:2
: Run k8s-demo with the image label version 2
kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment
: Edit the deployment object
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
: Get the status of the rollout
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
: Get the rollout history
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment
: Rollback to previous version
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment --to-revision=n
: Rollback to any version version