Author: Jeroen Kloosterman [email protected]
`InteractionPane`` is a React component that allows end users to work with drag, pinch, and zoom using mouse (scrollwheel + mouse buttons) on the desktop as well as hand gestures (pinch/zoom/drag) on mobile devices.
This abstraction alleviates the developer from the complexities associated with handling various mouse and gesture events.
By adding children within the InteractionPane
, it becomes responsive to the user's interactions, scaling and moving as required.
Note that the div that the component will take the full space of its parent (it uses attributes left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0).
Here are two demonstration videos showcasing the capabilities and usage of InteractionPane
npm i interactionpane
import InteractionPane from "interactionpane";
import React, { useState } from "react";
function App() {
const [scale, setScale] = useState(1);
const [offset, setOffset] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
return (
style={{ position: "absolute", left: "200px" }}
position: "absolute",
width: "400px",
height: "400px",
left: "0px",
top: "0px",
borderColor: "red",
borderStyle: "solid",
<div style={{ position: "absolute" }}>
<svg height="400" width="400">
<polygon points="0,200 200,200 100,0 0,200" class="triangle" />
<circle cx="300" cy="300" r="100" fill="blue" />
export default App;