The implementation guides below will assist you with integrating Jumio products.
The Jumio Knowledge Base contains a wealth of information regarding our services including FAQs, best practices, demo videos, product descriptions and additional information which will be helpful to get you started with Jumio.
If you have any questions regarding our implementation guides please contact Jumio Support at [email protected].
Jumio's Netverify ID Verification, lets customers easily and securely capture and submit their government-issued ID documents, performs real-time ID verification using machine learning and helps deter fraud and meet regulatory requirements.
- Netverify Web v4
- Netverify Web
- performNetverify
- Netverify Mobile iOS
- Netverify Mobile Android
- Netverify Retrieval API
- Netverify Delete API
Transform the way you extract and verify data from customer documents with Jumio’s Document Verification.
With Fastfill your customers no longer need to laboriously key enter their personal data.
Fastfill turns your customers mobile device into a ID data extraction and population tool.
BAM Checkout enables your mobile customers with the easiest and most friction-free way to make purchases in your mobile app.
© Jumio Corp. 268 Lambert Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306