Welcome to my Github profile. My name is Jacob Anderson and this account is a collection of projects I have completed at Case Western Reserve University.
I am a current undergraduate under a combined program and I plan to pursue a doctorate following my five-year program. My research interests include attention methods in computer vision, noise robustness in learning algorithms, and algebraic/novel learning methodology.
I am currently available to contact at [email protected] regarding new projects to collaborate on! Here some of what's available to look at on my account:
- cv-research-project A research project carried out with Aniyah Shirehjini, CWRU; a pipeline to restore distorted vehicle imaging in bad weather conditions.
- atlas-cosmic-courier: A little practice project in programming smooth flight mechanics in Unity; learned a lot about quaternions :)
- cymko: An action-platformer made in collaboration with students from Case Western and the Cleveland Institute of Art, where I designed and led the implementation of the reactive agent infrastructure underlying each of the game bosses.
- language-interpreter: An interpreter for a very simple Java/C-reminiscent syntax, containing basic semantic actions such as assignment, math operations, conditionals, etc.
- sliding-tile-search-agent: This is my first hands-on experience in programming an intelligent agent, it's a simple bot written in Julia to solve the 8-puzzle using Best-First and Local Beam search strategies.
Email is my preferred method of contact (at [email protected]), however my LinkedIn is also a reliable way to make sure I see your correspondence.