This is the working area for the individual Internet-Draft, "Kyber Post-Quantum KEM". It described Kyber, NIST's pick for post-quantum key agreement.
It also contains "machine-readable" specification of Kyber in Python.
Very much work-in-progress at the moment!
NOTE This draft is not stable and does not (yet) match the final NIST standard expected in 2024. Currently it matches Kyber as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC process.
See the guidelines for contributions.
Contributions can be made by creating pull requests. The GitHub interface supports creating pull requests using the Edit (✏) button.
Formatted text and HTML versions of the draft can be built using make
$ make
Command line usage requires that you have the necessary software installed. See the instructions.
Python tests (including test against NIST KAT test vectors) can be run using pytest
$ pip3 install pycryptodome pytest
$ pytest