This directory captures the ADOP documentation that is published to GitHub Pages. It will be periodically published alongside new releases by copying the contents of this folder into the gh-pages branch.
For more information on GitHub Pages:
- Make your desired changes in this directory
- Test that they work locally by generating the site:
- You can publish them to your own gh-pages branch (see instructions below too):
- You can use Docker: docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
- You can generate the site locally by installing Jekyll:
- Submit a PR for the master branch
- Make sure Travis is happy
- Checkout the "gh-pages" branch
- Remove the contents with "git rm -r *"
- Checkout the site directory from the master branch with "git checkout master -- site"
- Move the content out of the site directory with "git mv -f site/* site/.gitignore site/.travis.yml ."
- Check that the changes are just what is expected with "git status"
- Once satisfied, commit and push directly to origin
- Verify that GitHub Pages is reflecting the new changes (this can take a few minutes)