Repo contains a simple hello world application that is written in node.js.
The directory structure is: . ├── ├── Dockerfile ├── Jenkinsfile ├── Makefile ├── ├── ├── htmlfiles │ └── helloworld.html ├── k8syaml │ ├── deploymentService.yaml │ ├── ingress.yaml │ └── serviceAccount.yaml ├── package.json └── server.js
The server starts on port 8000.
This guide assumes that you have docker installed locally. Note: other containerisation applications are available, e.g. rancher-desktop
To build the application:
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t hello-world-app:1.0.0 . --no-cache
Note: this should be parameterised from GitHub for semantic versioning
To run using docker
docker run -p 8000:8000 hello-world-app:1.0.0
kubeval can be used to validate the yaml files
kubeval ./k8syaml/deploymentService.yaml
kubeval ./k8syaml/serviceAccount.yaml
kubeval ./k8syaml/ingress.yaml
kube-score gives a list of recommendations of how it can be im proved
kube-score score ./k8syaml/deploymentService.yaml
kube-score score ./k8syaml/serviceAccount.yaml
kube-score score ./k8syaml/ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./k8syaml/serviceAccount
kubectl apply -f ./k8syaml/deploymentService.yaml
curl -vv http://localhost:30000
Note: if you change the service, removing the lines below
nodePort: 30000
type: NodePort
then you can use port-forward to connect e.g.
kubectl port-forward -n ns-simple-hw services/simple-hw-service 8000:8000