I am a Computer Scientist with a Master Degree in Applied Statistics and I work as Softare Developer and Data Analyst. You can reach me clicking in any of this buttons:
I am a Software Developer and Data Analyst with 10+ years working experience using mainly Java and R Statistical language. Currently, I am working at Cetic.br, a departament of NIC.br
I am always looking for ways to collect data using Web Scrapping and Data Mining tools in order to help the Information and Comunication Technology Surveys that we carry on Cetic.br.
I am also passionate to automatize tasks, I do my best to help people focus on what really matters. I have been developing Java Robots, R Packages and REST API's for this purpose for a long time.
🤔 In my personal projects, I am always looking for help with: Time Series forecasting models mainly applied to Stock Markets.
💬 Ask me about anything! Let's chat!
📫 [email protected]