Tags: jmqd/amazon-kinesis-client
Release 1.9.1 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Java (awslabs#337 ) * Release 1.9.1 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Java Updated versions, and added release notes. * Added note about the update of the AWS Java SDK
Release 1.9.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java (awslabs#294) * Added support for ListShards API. This API is used in place of DescribeStream API to provide more throughput during ShardSyncTask. * ListShards supoorts higher call rate, which should reduce instances of throttling when attempting to synchronize the shard list. * Updated the version of AWS Java SDK to 1.11.272. * Version 1.11.272 is now the minimum support versiojn of the SDK. * Deprecated the following methods, and classes. These methods, and classes will be removed in a future release. * Deprecated IKinesisProxy#getStreamInfo. * Deprecated IKinesisProxyFactory. * Deprecated KinesisProxyFactory. * Deprecated certain KinesisProxy constructors.
Release 1.8.10 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java (awslabs#288) * Allow providing a custom IKinesisProxy implementation. * PR awslabs#274 * Checkpointing on a different thread should no longer emit a warning about NullMetricsScope. * PR awslabs#284 * Issue awslabs#48 * Upgraded the AWS Java SDK to version 1.11.271 * PR awslabs#287
Release 1.8.9 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java (awslabs#282) * Allow disabling check for the case where a child shard has an open parent shard. There is a race condition where it's possible for the a parent shard to appear open, while having child shards. This check can now be disabled by setting ignoreUnexpectedChildShards in the KinesisClientLibConfiguration to true. * PR awslabs#240 * Issue awslabs#210 * Upgraded the AWS SDK for Java to 1.11.261 * PR awslabs#281
Merge pull request awslabs#269 from pfifer/release-1.8.8 Release 1.8.8 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java
Release 1.8.5 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java (awslabs#232) * Release 1.8.5 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java Release 1.8.5 (September 26, 2017) * Only advance the shard iterator for the accepted response. This fixes a race condition in the `KinesisDataFetcher` when it's being used to make asynchronous requests. The shard iterator is now only advanced when the retriever calls `DataFetcherResult#accept()`. * PR awslabs#230 * Issue awslabs#231
Merge pull request awslabs#228 from pfifer/release-1.8.4 Release 1.8.4 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java
Release 1.8.3 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java (awslabs#224) * Call shutdown on the retriever when the record processor is being shutdown This fixes a bug that could leak threads if using the AsynchronousGetRecordsRetrievalStrategy is being used. The asynchronous retriever is only used when KinesisClientLibConfiguration#retryGetRecordsInSeconds, and KinesisClientLibConfiguration#maxGetRecordsThreadPool are set. * PR awslabs#222