- Fuengirola, Spain
- www.excentriker.com
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
A Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems
A curated list of awesome resources about multimodal recommender systems.
A Toolbox for MultiModal Recommendation. Integrating 10+ Models...
The doc for how to match the MovieLen dataset and the IMDB dataset
Exploring the Use of Subtitles for Enhanced Movie Recommendations
Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8811AU and RTL8821AU Chipsets - v5.12.5.2
Extract prices for several foods of MINAGRI webpage
ESP32 Powered Eureka Mignon Grinder with Android App
d-a-v / ESPWebDAV
Forked from ardyesp/ESPWebDAVmacOS, linux, windows: Natively sharing files - port 80 is shared
Reads and writes data (e.g. power, mode, fan status etc.) from/to a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) air conditioner (AC) via SPI controlled by MQTT
Mac OSX script to pull CPAP Data from an Airsense 10 to a local machine for upload to SleepHQ
Synthetic whole-slide imaging tile generation with gene expression profiles infused deep generative models - Cell Reports Methods
A modified version of ProGAN which trains using whole slide images (WSIs). Patches are extracted from WSIs at training time removing the need for WSI chopping.
Implementation of Paper 'Stain Style Transfer of Histopathology Images Via Structure-Preserved Generative Learning on histopathology images'. And this repo also contains the reimplementation of pap…
DSMIL: Dual-stream multiple instance learning networks for tumor detection in Whole Slide Image
Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.
Experiments of the paper "An analysis of quantification methods based on matching distributions"
A Python library of Density Ratio Estimation (Sugiyama)
usptact / em-prior-adjust
Forked from aesuli/em-prior-adjustImplementation of the method presented "Adjusting the Outputs of a Classifier to New a Priori Probabilities: A Simple Procedure" by Saerens et al, 2002.
Algorithms for abstention, calibration and domain adaptation to label shift.
Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.