A collection of scripts to automate stuff on Max OS X systems.
- Scripts
- Add new task from selected mail to 2Do
- Compose mail
- Save attachments
- Compile CommonMark
- Copy content
- List files
- Copy files
- Compile CommonMark to RTF
- Move files
- Prepend with creation date
- Prepend with modification date
- Get Icon
- Set Caffeine state
- Show Caffeine state
- Randomize filenames
- Compose mail
- Save attachments
- Vacuum Mail.app index
- Export favorites
- Group pictures by week
- Create HTML snippets
- Create parentheses snippets
- Create markdown list of current Safari session
- Reindex tags of selected songs in iTunes
- App Index
- Script Index
Creates a new task in 2Dos default list with a link to the selected message in Mail.
- Apps: 2Do, Mail
- File: 2Do/AddTaskFromMail.applescript
- Parameters:
- TODO_TAGS: Tags for the newly created task, default:
- TASK_PREFIX: Prefix for the mail subject to use in the tasks title, default:
"Read: "
- INBOX_NAME: Name of the list to add the task to, default:
- TODO_TAGS: Tags for the newly created task, default:
- Binary: 2Do/AddTaskFromMail.scpt
Quickly compose an email in Airmail 2
- Apps: Airmail 2
- File: Airmail/ComposeMail.applescript
- Parameters:
- RECEIPIENTS: List of recipient mails
- SENDR: Sending account to use
- SUBJ: Subject line
- TESNIP: Abbreviation of a TextExpander snippet to use as content
- BCC: List of bcc mails
- CC: List of cc mails
Use as a script in Airmail rules to save attachments to the selected folder.
- Apps: Airmail 2
- File: Airmail/SaveAttachment.applescript
- Parameters:
- DOWNLOADS: Folder to save attachments to
Converts any markdown file to html using CommonMark (http://commonmark.org) and copies all tags with tag (https://github.com/jdberry/tag/).
- Apps: Alfred, CommonMark, Markdown, Tag
- File: Alfred/CompileCommonMark.sh
Copies the content of the selected file to the clipboard.
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/CopyContentToClipboard.sh
Copies a list of all files in the selected folder to the clipboard.
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/CopyFileListToClipboard.sh
Copies the passed in files to folder
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/CopyFiles.sh
- Parameters:
- folder: The folder the files will be copied to, default:
- folder: The folder the files will be copied to, default:
Converts any markdown file to rich text using CommonMark (http://commonmark.org) and copies all tags with tag (https://github.com/jdberry/tag/).
- Apps: Alfred, CommonMark, Markdown, Tag
- File: Alfred/Markdown2Richtext.sh
Moves the passed in files to folder
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/MoveFiles.sh
- Parameters:
- folder: The folder the files will be moved to, default:
- folder: The folder the files will be moved to, default:
Prepends the selected filename with the creation date.
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/PrependCreationDate.sh
Prepends the selected filename with the date of the last modification.
- Apps: Alfred
- File: Alfred/PrependModificationDate.sh
Shows an icon for the current page. Requires jQuery.
- Apps: Safari, Chrome
- File: Bookmarklets/geticon.js
Use as Alfred action to activate/deactivate Caffein or toggle the state. Pass 'activate', 'deactivate' or 'toggle' to the action.
- Apps: Caffeine, Alfred
- File: Caffeine/ToggleCaffeine.applescript
Use in Alfred script filter to show Caffeins state (active or inactive) in the action item.
- Apps: Caffeine, Alfred
- File: Caffeine/alfred_CaffeineStatus.applescript
Lets you choose a folder and randomizes the order of all files in it by renaming them with NAME_PREFIX and a number.
- Apps: Finder
- File: Finder/RandomizeFolder.applescript
- Parameters:
- NUMBER_PADDING: By how many zeros should the number be padded, default:
- NAME_PREFIX: A prefix to append an increasing number to, default:
- TYPES: A list of file extensions (without the dot) to randomize, default:
{'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'}
- NUMBER_PADDING: By how many zeros should the number be padded, default:
- Binary: Finder/RandomizeFolder.scpt
Quickly compose an email in Mail.app
- Apps: Mail
- File: Mail/ComposeMail.applescript
- Parameters:
- RECEIPIENTS: List of recipient mails
- SENDR: Sending account to use
- SUBJ: Subject line
- TESNIP: Abbreviation of a TextExpander snippet to use as content
- BCC: List of bcc mails
- CC: List of cc mails
Use as a script in Mail.app rules to save attachments to the selected folder.
- Apps: Mail
- File: Mail/SaveAttachment.applescript
- Parameters:
- TRASH_AFTER: Set to true to trash the mail after saving the attachments
- DOWNLOADS: Folder to save attachments to
Speed up Mail.app by vacuuming the Envelope Index
- Apps: Mail
- File: Mail/VacuumIndex.applescript
- Binary: Mail/VacuumIndex.scpt
Export all media marked as favorites in Photos
- Apps: Photos
- File: Photos/ExportFavorites.applescript
- Parameters:
- TARGET: Set to the target folder.
Sorts pics from a particular album into weekly albums relative to a target date based on the image date.
The script will sort every media item from SOURCE_ALBUM
album into child albums of the TARGET_FOLDER by calculating how many weeks after TARGET_DATE
it was taken.
The resulting folder structure will be:
- Apps: Photos
- File: Photos/SortPicsIntoWeeks.applescript
- Parameters:
- WEEKLY_PREFIX: Set to a prefix for the weekly albums.
- TARGET_FOLDER: Set to the target folder for the weekly albums. This folder will be the parent of the weekly albums.
- TARGET_DATE: Set to the target date.
- DISPLAY_DIALOG: Set to true to display a summary dialog after everything is sorted.
- SOURCE_ALBUM: Set to the album with the unsorted pics. If it is a subfolder use a path like string.
- ZERO_ALBUM: Set to the album for pictures without a date or with a date before the target date.
Creates a set of snippets for common HTML tags.
For each tag in TAGS_INLINE and TAGS_BLOCK the script will
create two snippets, one with the cursor (%|
) and one with the
clipboard (%clipboard
) between the opening and closing tags.
empty tags (e.g. <hr/>
) are created.
As abbreviations the first PREFIX_LENGTH
chars of the tag name
are used.
E.g. for the inline/block tags em
with default
settings the following snippets will be created:
,em <em>%|</em>
;em <em>%clipboard</em>
,block <blockquote>
;block <blockquote>
- Apps: TextExpander
- File: TextExpander/CreateHTMLSnippets.applescript
- Parameters:
- TAGS_INLINE: inline tags to create snippets for, default:
['del', 'code', 'strong', 'em']
- TAGS_BLOCK: block level tags to create snippets for, default:
['pre', 'blockquote']
- PREFIX_CHARS: snippet prefixes to use, default:
[',', ';', ',/']
- the first list item places the cursor (
) between the tags - the second list item places the cursor (
) between the tags - the third is used for empty blocks (e.g.
- the first list item places the cursor (
- GROUP_NAME: name of group the snippets will be created in, default:
- PREFIX_LENGTH: number of chars to take from the tag name for the abbreviation, default:
- TAGS_EMPTY: empty tags to create snippets for, default:
['br', 'hr']
- TAGS_INLINE: inline tags to create snippets for, default:
Creates a set of snippets for enclosing parentheses.
For each pair of parentheses the script will create two snippets, one with
the cursor (%|
) and one with the clipboard (%clipboard)
between the
parentheses. Both snippets will be created MAX_REPEAT
times, by repeating
the opening and closing parentheses one to MAX_REPEAT
E.g. for the pair [
with default settings the following snippets will be created:
,[ [%|]
;[ [%clipboard]
,2[ [[%|]]
;2[ [[%clipboard]]
,3[ [[[%|]]]
;3[ [[[%clipboard]]]
- Apps: TextExpander
- File: TextExpander/CreateParenthesesSnippets.applescript
- Parameters:
- MAX_REPEAT: maximum depth for snippets, default:
- PAIRS: parenthesis pairs, each item is a list with two items: the opening and closing parenthesis
{["'", "'"], ["\"", "\""], ["`", "`"], ["(", ")"], ["[", "]"], ["{", "}"], ["_", "_"], ["-", "-"], ["~", "~"], ["*", "*"], ["<", ">"], ["=", "="]}
- PREFIX_CHARS: snippet prefixes to use, default:
[',', ';']
- the first list item places the cursor (
) between the tags - the second list item places the cursor (
) between the tags
- the first list item places the cursor (
- GROUP_NAME: name of group the snippets will be created in, default:
- MAX_REPEAT: maximum depth for snippets, default:
Creates a markdown document from the URLs currently open in Safaris frontmost window.
# Safari links from 2016-02-02 10:01:02
## Tabs
- [Quelltext der Seite Vorlage:OptionalProperty – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/index.php?title=Vorlage:OptionalProperty&action=edit)
- [Kategorie:BibTeX Attribut – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/wiki/Kategorie:BibTeX_Attribut)
- [Nicht kategorisierte Seiten – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/wiki/Spezial:Nicht_kategorisierte_Seiten)
- [Nicht kategorisierte Vorlagen – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/wiki/Spezial:Nicht_kategorisierte_Vorlagen)
- [InfoBox:Urheberrechte – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/wiki/InfoBox:Urheberrechte)
- [Vorlage:Rating – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/wiki/Vorlage:Rating)
- [Anmelden – Informatik-Box](http://informatik-box.de/index.php?title=Spezial:Anmelden&returnto=Spezial%3ABeobachtungsliste&returntoquery=&warning=watchlistanontext)
- [Category:Developer documentation – semantic-mediawiki.org](https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Developer_documentation)
- [EduTech Wiki](http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Main_Page)
- [Extension:EditImage - MediaWiki](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EditImage)
- Apps: TextExpander, Safari
- File: TextExpander/SafariSessionMd.applescript
- Parameters:
- PINNED: number of pinned tabs to ignore, default:
- PINNED: number of pinned tabs to ignore, default:
Reindex the songs currently selected in iTunes. For easy use put into ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/
- Apps: iTunes
- File: iTunes/RefreshSelection.applescript
- Binary: iTunes/RefreshSelection.scpt
- 2Do
Add new task from selected mail to 2Do - Airmail 2
Compose mail, Save attachments - Alfred
Compile CommonMark, Copy content, List files, Copy files, Compile CommonMark to RTF, Move files, Prepend with creation date, Prepend with modification date, Set Caffeine state, Show Caffeine state - Caffeine
Set Caffeine state, Show Caffeine state - Chrome
Get Icon - CommonMark
Compile CommonMark, Compile CommonMark to RTF - Finder
Randomize filenames - Mail
Add new task from selected mail to 2Do, Compose mail, Save attachments, Vacuum Mail.app index - Markdown
Compile CommonMark, Compile CommonMark to RTF - Photos
Export favorites, Group pictures by week - Safari
Get Icon, Create markdown list of current Safari session - Tag
Compile CommonMark, Compile CommonMark to RTF - TextExpander
Create HTML snippets, Create parentheses snippets, Create markdown list of current Safari session - iTunes
Reindex tags of selected songs in iTunes
- A
Add new task from selected mail to 2Do - C
Compile CommonMark, Compile CommonMark to RTF, Compose mail, Compose mail, Copy content, Copy files, Create HTML snippets, Create markdown list of current Safari session, Create parentheses snippets - E
Export favorites - G
Get Icon, Group pictures by week - L
List files - M
Move files - P
Prepend with creation date, Prepend with modification date - R
Randomize filenames, Reindex tags of selected songs in iTunes - S
Save attachments, Save attachments, Set Caffeine state, Show Caffeine state - V
Vacuum Mail.app index