This library is intended to encapsulate the handling of WiFi and MQTT connections of an ESP8266. You just need to provide your credentials and it will manage the following things:
Connecting to a WiFi network.
Connecting to a MQTT broker.
Automatically detecting connection lost either from the WiFi client of MQTT broker.
Automatically attempting to reconnect when the either WiFi or MQTT connection is lost.
Subscrubing/unsubscrubing to/from MQTT topics.
Support for a last will topic message
Provide a callback handling to advise when we are connected to the MQTT broker or a subscribed MQTT topic received a message.
Running an HTTP server secured by a password to allow remote update.
Printing usefull debug informations, switch the possibility off whenever debug is no longer needed.
This is a fork of plapointe6's great EspMQTTClient lib.
The MQTT communication depends on the PubSubClient Library (
- publish(topic, message) : publish a message to the provided MQTT topic
- subscribe(topic, callback) : subscribe to the specified topic and call the provided callback passing the received message.
- unsubscribe(topic) : unsubscribe from the specified topic.
- bool isConnected() : Return true if everything is connected.
- executeDelayed(milliseconds, callback) : As ESP8366 does not like to be interrupted too long with the delay function, this function will allow a delayed execution of a function whitout interrupting the sketch.
EspMQTTClient client(...);
void onConnectionEstablished() {
client.subscribe("mytopic/test", [] (const String &payload) {
client.publish("mytopic/test", "This is a message");
See "Esp8266MQTTClient.ino" for the complete example.