I'm currently developing this engine, the idea basicaly turn around a tile map and a spritesheet from where you create equal sized GameObjects and "plug" components to them (like animation, ai, input handlers, particles and more) . The games are articulated in Levels that are managed by an State object that also manage the state of the game (menu, pause, playing). There is also UI components like Menu and Buttons
Note: this is under active develpment so the examples are a little raw, the final idea is to abstract all the SDL2 parts.
GameObject player{ 0,0,32,32,29,0, "player" };
struct PlayerInputHandler : InputHandler
const Uint8* kbstate = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
void handle_input(GameObject& gameobject) override {
if (!kbstate[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT]) gameobject.x++;
In the demo folder I wil be uploading the examples that I use to test features