A tool used for generating automated lip sync animation on a facial rig in Autodesk: Maya. The script is compatible with Autodesk: Maya 2017 or later (Windows).
- Add the auto_lip_sync folder or auto_lip_sync.py to your Maya scripts folder (Username\Documents\maya*version*\scripts).
- Install the dependencies needed to run this tool. (Read the Dependencies section further down).
- To start the auto lipsync tool in Maya simply execute the following lines of code in the script editor or add them as a shelf button:
import auto_lip_sync
To be able to run this tool you need to download the dependencies which are required to run this tool (Or move the INSTALLER.bat to your Maya scripts folder and run it).
Montreal Forced Aligner version 1.0.1 Win64, by Michael McAuliffe/Montreal Corpus Tools (MIT/Apache). Unzip this folder in your Maya scripts folder: https://github.com/MontrealCorpusTools/Montreal-Forced-Aligner/releases/download/v1.0.1/montreal-forced-aligner_win64.zip
Textgrid parser by Kyle Gorman (MIT). Download and move the textgrid folder to your Maya scripts folder: https://github.com/kylebgorman/textgrid
Librispeech English pronunciations by Daniel Povey/OpenSLR (Public Domain). Download and place this file inside your montreal-forced-aligner folder: https://www.openslr.org/resources/11/librispeech-lexicon.txt
- This tool only have support for English input sound and text files.
- Maya 2017+ and Windows is required to run this tool.
- Input transcript file have to be a .txt file or .lab file.
- Input sound file only have support for 16 kHz, single channel .Wav files. You may need to resample your sound file to meet the requirements. I recommend using the free and open-source software Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/
- Use the Save pose function to create 10 separate facial poses (one for each phonome).
- Load the folder where the pose files are saved and assign a unique pose to each phonomes in the dropdown boxes.
- Select a soundclip with a voice-line and a textfile where the voice-line is written down in english.
- Click Generate animation and wait until the process is done. (The length of the audio clip will affect how long it takes to process)
To be able to generate facial animations you need to create 10 different mouth poses based on the Preston Blair phoneme series.
- Select the rig controllers you wish to save the attributes from.
- Click Save pose and choose which path you want to save the pose file to.
- Click Load pose and select which pose file you wish to load.
- The stored pose will be applied to the rig controllers referenced in the pose file.