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D3 component to create an ECG chart

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This is an ECG chart component built on top of D3.js and it was built to be used as part of two presentations (Rethink your frontend architecture and Better and more fun applications with D3.js) and it should NOT be considered production quality yet.

The chart displays an ECG curve based on a continous stream of values that should typically be provided over a WebSocket. You can find a live demo here.


To use this chart you first need to download it and all of its dependencies. The easiest way to do that is through Bower.

> bower install --save

The second step is to include all dependencies in your HTML and initialize the chart.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/jke-d3-ecg/dist/jke-d3-ecg.css">

	<!-- Placeholder for the chart -->
	<div class="jke-ecgChart"></div>

	<!-- Include dependencies -->
	<script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
	<script src="bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/minified/jquery.ui.widget.min.js"></script>
	<script src="bower_components/d3/d3.min.js"></script>

	<!-- Include jke-d3-ecg and initialize the chart -->
	<script src="bower_components/jke-d3-ecg/dist/jke-d3-ecg.min.js"></script>
			height: 600,
			width: 800


The last step is to add some data points to the chart. The x-value should be a timestamp in millisecond and the y-value should be the actual value to be shown.

var _data = [
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0000050048828125, 0.0000137939453125, 0.000049560546875,
	0.00008740234375, 0.00015966796875, 0.000262451171875, 0.0003975830078125, 0.0005687255859375,
	0.0007802734375, 0.001037353515625, 0.0013468017578125, 0.00172119140625, 0.0021756591796875,
	0.0027232666015625, 0.0033880615234375, 0.004206787109375, 0.0052380371093750005,
	0.006586181640625, 0.008400146484375001, 0.010904296875, 0.0144892578125, 0.0196798095703125, 
	0.049684204101562504, 0.0886883544921875, 0.11185363769531251, 0.134164306640625,
	0.137352294921875, 0.1160369873046875, 0.08516308593750001, 0.0539765625, 
	0.014997436523437501, -0.015882568359375, -0.0387554931640625, -0.06125732421875,
	-0.0745780029296875, -0.07479357910156251, -0.0725338134765625, -0.0418538818359375,
	0.08582861328125001, 0.397717529296875, 0.8136408691406251, 1.2295617980957032,
	0.9944150390625001, 0.2824605712890625, -0.38949267578125, -0.597251220703125,
	-0.425675537109375, -0.1537947998046875, -0.0500914306640625, -0.0111041259765625,
	0.0027451171875, 0.0071739501953125, 0.008443359375, 0.0094327392578125, 0.012530517578125,
	0.0176046142578125, 0.0300162353515625, 0.0433489990234375, 0.056962646484375004,
	0.0704832763671875, 0.0770511474609375, 0.0898175048828125, 0.10311853027343751,
	0.117046142578125, 0.1312630615234375, 0.1529300537109375, 0.167607177734375,
	0.1899068603515625, 0.2124422607421875, 0.235044677734375, 0.2575535888671875,
	0.2724073486328125, 0.286978271484375, 0.3007579345703125, 0.3067425537109375,
	0.3106370849609375, 0.303756103515625, 0.2897236328125,0.25916931152343753,
	0.2200599365234375, 0.1728209228515625, 0.133416259765625, 0.086224853515625,
	0.05493408203125, 0.02409423828125, 0.00922607421875, -0.0043409423828125,
	-0.0097349853515625, -0.013127685546875, -0.01423095703125, -0.013834716796875,
	-0.012556030273437501, -0.010675048828125, -0.00835888671875, 
	-0.0057305908203125, -0.0000562744140625];
// Create a data point generator.
var getDataPoint = (function () {
	var _x = -1;
	var _max = _data.length;

	return function () {
		_x = (_x + 1) % _max;
		return { x:, y: _data[_x] };

var heartRate = 60; // bpm
var interval = 60 * 1000 / (_data.length * heartRate);

// Generate a new data point based on the heart rate.
setInterval(function () {
	$('.jke-ecgChart').ecgChart('addDataPoint', getDataPoint());
}, interval);

You can call addDataPoint as many times as you want and the component will make sure that the value fits within the range of the chart.


If you want to customize the appearance of the chart you can easily change all of the colors. If you use CSS or LESS you have to do this directly in the code but if you use Sass you can change all colors like this:

$jke-ecgChart-axisColor: #ddd;

$jke-ecgChart-backgroundColor: #fff;

$jke-ecgChart-xGridColor: #ddd;
$jke-ecgChart-yGridColor: #ddd;

$jke-ecgChart-lineColor: #f4771b;

@import "bower_components/jke-d3-ecg/src/scss/jke-d3-ecg";

Known issues

  • The curve is not prefectly timed. This is probably a test data issue since setInterval is not that reliable.
  • The curve should look much nicer and the old curve should fade out.
  • All options are fixed and cannot be changed after initialization.


If you have any questions or if you want the live version of any of the presentations that this component is a part of you can contact me on Twitter @joakimkemeny.


The source code for the presentation and the demos is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


D3 component to create an ECG chart






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